Ch. 4: Party....from Hell?

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Marcel and I are outside of his club. He puts his hands over my eyes and he walks me in. He takes his hands off of my eyes and lights come on. Everyone yells, "Surprise!" I gasp and smile. Marcel's friends, who are kinda my friends, give me hugs. Tieri is there and he smiles. I smile and look around for Paige. I see her flame red hair near the back. I push my way through to get to her.

Paige says,"Happy Birthday Nattie."

I smile and give her a hug. She hugs me back and I look around at everyone making sure that they know not to drink from her at all. They all nod.

I say,"Let's get this party started!"

Everyone cheers and the music starts playing. Everyone is dancing and I go to the bar. Max is behind the bar serving drinks. I order a Jameson and rum. Max hands me the glass and I take a sip. I sigh and turn around to the dance floor. Pink "Raise Your Glass" comes on. I cheer and raise my glass. I find Paige and hand her my drink. I compell her to drink some. She does and I take the drink from her. I start dancing and Paige dances with me. I smile and look around for Marcel. I find him at the top on the upper floor. I compell Paige to think that she had cake and I opened presents and she had a good time. I compell her to go home and stay protected. She leaves. I head up to Marcel.

He says,"You look sexy when you are dancing."

I laugh and he leans down to kiss me but stops. He is looking down at the main floor. He looks surprised. I follow his line of sight and see someone I thought I would never see again.


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