Ch 24: The Witch

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I walk into the plantation mansion and see Rebekah standing there waiting.

I ask,"Where's Niklaus?"

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I ask,"Where's Niklaus?"

Rebekah says,"Hell if I know."

I say,"Dammit."

Rebekah asks,"Why did you walk out on him after having had sex?"

I reply,"It's really hard to explain Rebekah."

She replies,"Try me."

We sit on the couch facing each other and I tell her everything that I told Cami and what she said.

I say,"So in short, I'm insecure around Niklaus and am afraid he's going to leave me again."

Rebekah's hard expression softens and she says,"Oh sweetie. He loves you so much. I've never seen Nik so serious about something other than revenge."

I reply,"He will think I'm stupid when he finds out."

Rebekah says,"I don't think he will. He loves you. He puts you above himself and Niklaus only does that for a few people."

I reply,"I just don't want him to think less of me when I tell him. Rebekah, I love him so much, it scares me."

Rebekah smiles and says,"I only have one word of advice. Hold onto that love with a death grip."

I say,"Rebekah, I've been doing that for two hundred years. I don't know if Niklaus will even look or talk to me after the way I acted today. I'm such an idiot for being so scared and insecure. He loves me. But I don't know what being loved is like, Rebekah."

Niklaus' voice says,"I will show you what it is like to be loved. You don't have to be insecure about yourself around me,."

I look to find Niklaus standing in the entry way.

He says,"You don't need to be afraid that I'm going to leave you. If I ever needed to leave New Orleans, I'd take you with me. I'm not losing you ever again."

I look at Klaus and say,"But how do I know that you love me. I can sense your telling the truth but I thought the same when you told me you'd take care of me in 1846. You weren't there for me when I needed you, Nik. I can't be sure that you'll be here for good now."

Nik's gaze softens and he is on his knees in front of me as he says concerned," What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm telling you the truth? Tell me and I will do it."

I reply,"Let me show you something."

I place my fingers against his temple and show him every memory, from the night he and I met all the way to today. I pull away and Nik looks up at me with so many different emotions.

He says,"Love, I'm so sorry."

I feel tears in my eyes and he says,"I broke you."

I feel tears falling down my face and he says,"I want to show you my memory of the night we left New Orleans."

A War for Love (A TVD&The Originals: A Niklaus/ Marcel fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now