Chapter 77

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I'm sitting down on my bed with my back against the wall and reading my journal and filling my journal with everything happened everyday. That's the things that I always do before I go to sleep.

"Hey, mommy this Joey Jr want to sleep with us." Finn walks in while holding Joey's puppy.

"Your son will kill you if he knows you steal his puppy." I chuckle.

"Alright, you back to your room. Back to Joey's room now. Bye bye." Finn place Joey's Jr out from our room then he close our bedroom and he walk to the bathroom.

I turn my face back to my journal and re-read those things I wrote since I was in high school. Yeah this journal is really thick because I never change it into a new one.

It's been fifteen years Finn and I got married. And when I read all the things I wrote during high school, it's kinda funny not only funny but this is also make me miss all my friends.

"What are you doing?" Finn walk out from the bathroom then lay his body next to me.

"Finn, dont you realize that it's been fifteen years we both married?" I turn my face at him.

"Yeah. Why?" Finn raises his eyebrows at me.

"Nothing. I just feel old." I shake my head and close my journal and place it on my side table then lay my body on the bed.

"We're grow old together." Finn turn his face at me. "Why? Dont tell me that you're bored with our marriage now."

"No. Never. Since I dated you, I never feel bored with our relationship. Well, maybe there was but only two or three days but then it back to be normal." I said to him.

"I also feel the same way like what you felt. Especially when you start yelled at me about toothpaste or toothbrush then socks in the wardrobe and many things. I just wanna kill you that time." Finn chuckles.

"Did you close the toothpaste wrapper?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I did, mommy." Finn rolls his eyes.

"I just red my journal and I really miss high school then I saw our boys are sophomores in high school now and they start telling me about their love problems and I miss all those things. I miss all my friends, I miss the choir room, I miss Mr. Schue, I miss tots from the cafetaria, I miss the time when we both studied every night so we can graduated and then got into college. I miss all those things." I exhale.

"You can always call them, baby. We got a huge house and we can invite all of them and stay here. Or you want to go to Lima for a while?" Finn make aslant facing me.

"I will call them. Yeah you're right. We can hangin out in 'The Manchester Bean'." I giggle.

"Dont make your life harder but make it easier." Finn rubs my cheek.

"Yeah you're right. You're totally right. I'm so glad that I have you in my life." I smile at him.

"Just make it simple as I love you." Finn smiles back at me.

"Ah I remember when we were in your room and I was dating Sam then when I was about to go out from your room, you hold me and said 'can I steal you from Sam forever?' And heck you did." I giggle.

"He was stupid by called you stupid. Honestly, deep down I'm still cant forgive him because he called you stupid and yelled at you like that. I've been with you since we were little but I never yelled at you like that." Finn says to me.

"You did. Once. When we fighted after regionals and you beated Aaron in college." I said to him.

"But I hugged you afterwards. Then you yelled at me every morning." Finn smirks at me.

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