Chapter 58

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Tomorrow is the wedding day and tonight we are all having dinner together before the wedding begin. It's one kind of tradition actually and I dont understand with that because I though at first dad wanna have a bachelor party with his friends but I guess he is too old for that.

Dad, Caitlin, Finn, Caitlin's parents, and nana also uncle Matthew is staying here in this hotel tonight. Actually I called Mercedes and Kurt to stayed here since I choosed them to be the best man and bridesmaid along with Finn and I but they said they will come late tonight.

And I got one room for me and I dont wanna sleep alone tonight because dad stay with Caitlin and I cant cuddle with him anymore that's why last few weeks, I usually slept next to my dad.

Caitlin was right. Nana went here and they made it up with dad and she apologized to Finn and uncle Matthew just can be quiet all about this. I dont know either he is jealous or something but the fact is everything is fine here right now.

Now I'm just sitting down on my seat and looking at my food when we are here settle around to have dinner in a big table in the ballroom before the wedding begin tomorrow.

"Hey, sweetheart are you okay?" Caitlin asks me.

"Can I sleep with dad one last time tonight? Because after this I cant cuddle with him and then asking him my stupid questions until dad fall asleep and left me talking with his snooring voice alone." I said sadly.

"This baby girl couldnt grow up when it turns into her daddy." Dad rubs my hair. "Sure you can, honey. But what about Finn?" Dad asks me.

"He is not a baby. He can sleep alone. Right, Finny?" I turn my face at Finn.

"Yeah, up to you." Finn nodded and smiles at me.

"Ugh okay changing plans. I cant see his face like that. I'll stay in my room. Dont worry." I said to dad.

"Haha you're funny, kid." Mr. Radford chuckles.

"Well, she is 19th but still innocent. You know live only with me and no siblings." Dad chuckles.

"So tell me what you and dad usually do?" Mrs. Radford asks curiously at me.

"Dad loves turn off the tv in living room when I watch that." I said to them.

"You didnt watch that. You just turn on the tv and look at to your laptop and you didnt even know what is the tv show and that's extravagant so I turned it off." Dad says to me.

"Oh I love make dad get panic attack. So when I'm sad or sick, I called him and he will went home immediately from his work actually he would went home like a flash and then we cuddle and asked him many things. I told dad everything." I said to them.

"I can see that like when you were in hospital." Caitlin says to me.

"She would call me to my office number and my secretary would be like 'Mr. Collins, your daughter is sick' then I left my work in hurry. But sometimes I know it could be a trap that my daughter made but deep down, I'm also worried if she really sick or anything." Dad chuckles.

"Well, that's a father. Even I never forget to call Caitlin everyday to make sure that she is okay even at that age." Mr. Radford says.

"That's true." Dad nodded as agree.

"Did you guys invite Florence and her family?" Nana asks us.

"We did but I'm pretty sure she doesnt wanna come and I do understand with that." Caitlin says.

I'm just eating my food. Yeah Caitlin told me to sent invitation to mom because no matter what we have to respect her but I'm really sure she wont come and I understand with that.

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