Chapter 24

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Today is inaguration day. I'm little bit nervous. Blaine and Kurt already booked Breadstix for us to celebrate this.

"I met a guy yesterday. He is cute and nice. I was about to buy Billy Joel's album for my dad but then he paid that album and when I got home, I just realized that he also gave me Lady Antebellum's album." I chuckle at Kurt.

"Wow. First met and he did that? Such a sweet one." Kurt chuckles.

"Yeah I know that." I giggle.

I turn my face at Finn and he just being quiet and make himself busy. "Who's that guy?" Blaine asks me.

"He is from Dalton Academy. His name is Sebastian Smythe. He said that he came to our West Side Story because you invited him." I said to Blaine.

"God no! You better stay away from him." Blaine shakes his head.

"Why?" I frown.

"He is a player." Kurt simply said.

"But he doesnt seem like that." I frown.

"Just dont come to me when he hurt you." Kurt says to me. "Come on, we'll be late." Kurt takes his suit and walk off from the choir room with Blaine.

I just turn my face to my suit and trying to button my suit as I walk out from the choir room and turn my way to the McKinley gymnasium.


"Yes?" I answer and keep focusing to my button.

"Congratulations. They want the best for McKinley."

I turn my face and half-smiled at Finn. "Thanks."

"And about the things you saw last night...."

"Can we talk about that later? Now I have to go." I said to him and walk off to follow Kurt.

I'm sorry, Finn. I just dont want to Rachel think that I'm gonna steal you from her. I love you but I'm too weak. I just wanna be with myself.

"Come on." Kurt takes my hand and walk lead me.

I just turn my face around and looking at Finn and half-smile at him. He just half-smiled back at me and walk to the bleachers.

Principal Figgins is still giving his speech to the others student. I just take a look at the bleachers behind the curtain until I see my dad is walking with bring a boquet of flowers and wearing his black suit. He didnt tell me that he already back from LA.

"My dad is there!" I said happily to Kurt.

"I called your dad to come and he said that his things already done so he came." Kurt smiles at me.

"You're the best!" I smile back at Kurt.

"Now welcome to the senior class president and vice president Mr. Kurt Hummel and Miss Madison Collins." Principal Figgins called us.

We then walk out from backstage to the stage with a lot of applauding from the others student. I look around until I see my dad is smiling at me and clapping for me. I just want to make him proud of me.

Kurt and I standing next to each other. Principal Figgins officiate us and wear us a pin on our suit with cheering and applauding follow us around.

"Congratulations." Principal Figgins smiles at us then points to the standing microphone.

Kurt let out a sigh and walk to the standing microphone and read the paper he hold. "First of all, I wanna to thank you all of you guys who already trust me to be the leader for the next one year. To my parents, and especially to my dad, congratulations for winning the congress, I'm so proud to be a son of a congressman." Kurt chuckles. "Well, like what I said I wont forget all my promises I made. I will make McKinley to be a better school with a better future. No more bullying and lets be united to built a better McKinley together. Thank you so much and I'm Kurt Hummel, I'm your senior class president!" Kurt says from the microphone.

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