Chapter 51

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"I want to take her to my house and take her care for couple days."

I open my eyes slowly and look around. Where is my dad? Where is he? I turn my face to the door and I see two shadows of people are outside and I just heard mom's voice.

"And let her stay with your husband and your another daughter? No." Dad's voice.

"You're being irresponsible. Your mom who made my baby girl almost died because of hypothermia and her stupid talk." Mom's voice.

"I'm irresponsible? You can call me anything but I'm not irresponsible. When is the last time you took her to dentist? Never. Do you even know her favorite food? No you dont. And dont call me irresponsible because I'm the one who take care of her since you left her. I was there for the whole time." Dad says.

"You have parental legal responsibility and I'm not. I just want my baby girl back." Mom says.

"She is not a baby girl anymore. She is grow up." Dad says.

"She is also my daughter, Mike." Mom says.

"And you want me to let her stay with you and your husband who laughed at my daughter because he doesnt understand about her innocence? No way. She is my daughter. You can visit her but not take her away from me." Dad says.

I really feel like living in a situation where my parents are really divorced. They were arguing about the 50/50 responsibility about me. I know that because I watched Mother's Day.

I dont care with what they arguing. I mean, they're my parents and I love them but I just dont want to heard them arguing in front of me because it's sucks.

Besides, are they realize that I'm not thirteen years old kid anymore? I'm nineteenth and I'm engaged to someone else and I'm not in high school anymore. And after this I will back to New York for my college.

"Dad?" I called dad and sit up on the bed.

"Yes, sweetheart? You awake? The doctor said you can go home today." Dad walks in with mom follows.

"Hey, sweety. You can go home and you will go to mommy's house so I can take you care." Mom smiles at me.

"I said no for that." Dad protest. "She will go home with me. To our house. Our home."

I roll my eyes and they start arguing again. I take a glass from my side table and drink a water. I hate when I'm being the only one child like this.

"Mom, dad, please stop. Or maybe it's better I stay longer here." I sigh.

"No, you have to back home with me." Dad says to me.

"Hey, can I come?" Ms. Radford open my door and smiling at us.

"Hey, Ms. Radford. What are you doing here?" I smile at her.

"I went here to see you. I brough fruits, soup, and some snacks that I though you may like it." She showed me two paperbag and place it on my side table.

"Well, thank you but she will go home today." Mom says to her.

"That's okay. We can bring those food home. Thank you so much, Caitlin." Dad smiles at Ms. Radford.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Caitlin Radford by the way. I'm Michael's friends in high school and we just met here two days ago." Ms. Radford introduce herself at mom.

"I'm Madison's mom. I though that you're her father's new girlfriend." Mom simply said.

I let out a sigh and roll my eyes. The handsomeness of my dad still have chicks magnet. I can see that mom and Ms. Radford are like two women who were trying to get closer with dad and fight to get him.

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