Chapter 19

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Finn's POV

I'm standing in front my locker and put my book to my locker. Madison is standing next to my locker and leans her back against the locker.

"I've been thinking that I should drink vitamin every day so I can be smarter." Madison says innocently.

"Maddy, forget it. You're really smart." I turn my face at her and let out a sigh.

"But stupid in relationship." Madison simply said. I sigh and grab her head and kiss her top head. "Do you think that leprechaun exist?"

"They are not exist in this world okay. Why you asking me that thing?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Nothing because I saw Brittany talked with an Irish guy and he said that he is a leprechaun which mean that he can make her wish come true. I read a book about Europe mytology which is all the myth things in Europe and I remember that there is a chapter about leprechaun." Madison says to me.

"You know what? Forget what Sam said to you. You're really smart. Smart people loves reading and you loves that. Just cover your ears and dont listen to people who tries to make you down. Okay." I said to her.

"But I want that leprechaun." Madison says to me.

"I can be your leprechaun. What do you want?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Tots. A lot of tots." Madison grins at me.

"The leprechaun doesnt accept tots as wishes." I roll my eyes and shut my locker and start walking away.

"Finn!!!!" Madison shout and run to me.

"So already figure out what are you gonna do to get the budget for musical drama?" I ask her.

"Sell the tickets in my dad's office. Do you wanna help me? We can go to Columbus after school." Madison grins at me.

"Sure but buy me dinner." I grin back at her.

"Yes, sir!" Madison chuckles.

"Alright, come on we might be late for the glee club." I show my hand to her.

"I dont wanna holding hands. Last time we holding hands because people will think that I really cheated on Sam." Madison shakes her head.

"That's okay." I half-smiled at her and rub her hair.

I know that since Madison and Sam broke up. She always avoid to have a real contact with me. I know she is really innocent and she might be still think about Sam called her stupid. For now, I just wanna protect her and I wont let anyone else hurt her.

Madison's POV

Finn and I keep walking in the hallways. I turn my face a bit at him. He always trying to make me happy and smile. Did this is the thing that he called love is? I dont know but I guess so.

I remember how mad Finn was when Sam called me stupid. Even he almost kill Sam. And that's the thing that Ms. Pillsburry ever told me about sacrifice. But I'm still lost because I'm still thinking about what Sam called me.

Finn and I keep walking in the hallways until we both enter the choir room. Tina is crying while Mike is comforting her. I just sit down in the front row next to Artie and Finn on the other side.

"You know what, girl Chang? If you cry every time someone gets a hangnail, it kind of starts to lose its effect." Santana says to Tina.

"It's not a hangnail. Mercedes was one of Glee's original members. I feel naked in here without her." Tina sobbing.

"Yeah, well, get used to it, 'cause without her singing for us, we're going to have to perform naked for the judges to vote for us at Sectionals." Puck says.

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