Old friends

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She woke to the smell of fresh coffee and Jacob sat beside her on the mattress. He pushed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead,

"Morning sleepy... Me and this little one are wide awake and fancy a late breakfast in the park,"

"Is that so Mia?" Connie asked, accepting their daughter for a cuddle before feeding her.

"Does it hurt?" He asked and she shook her head,

"More like a tugging sensation... Weird at first but now I'm getting used to it..."

He couldn't help running his hands through her hair as she leaned against him as their daughter continued to feed.

"You used to curl into my chest when we were travelling and I remember never wanting to let you go," he told her gently, "they day my brother died and you booked me a flight and held me, I wanted nothing more than to ask you to come to the funeral with me,"

"I would have done," she admitted, "without a second thought... I hoped for days that you would come and meet me again..."

"I would have married you the first time we kissed if I'd had the chance," he smiled, his lips brushing against her skin,

"It never felt like this with Michael," she admitted, "this all feels so different and new... And now we have our girl and I want nothing more than this to be forever."

He nodded, "this is our forever," he told her, "I promise I will love you forever."

She grinned as she saw Paul stood in the park, leaning against the tree. Jacob took Mia, "go on," he smiled, watching as she ran over to her friend and hugged him tightly.

"You look beautiful Con," he told her and she fell into his chest, before kissing his cheek.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, watching as he let go of her slightly to hold Mia who reached out for him. Jacob shook his hand before busing himself with laying out a blanket and resting back on his hands.

"Had an op up here and obviously couldn't turn down the chance of seeing my favourite new mum..."

Connie smiled as she sat down beside Jacob as Paul joined them still holding onto Mia.

Jacob shook Pauls hand, "looks like she's got a new favourite," Connie smiled as their daughter laughed happily in her friends arms,

"Michael Spence is operating today too... Thought we could all go out for dinner.."

She leaned into him, "what and bring this menace?"

Jacob smiled, "I'm off tonight... I'll have her... As long as you two promise not to lead her astray,"

"Too late for that... She's been astray since I met her," Paul uttered, making Connie and Jacob smile.

"You sure you don't mind?" She asked that evening and he took her hands.

"You moved all the way up here for me... I know you miss home sometimes... Of course I don't mind..."

He smiled as he prised Mia from Connie, "this little one however... Won't be happy about it,"

She pressed her lips against Mias head before kissing Jacob gently, "I love you Jacob Masters... Mia be good for daddy."

She smiled as she came in to see Jacob fast asleep on the sofa, Mia fast asleep on his chest. He wore nothing but his shorts, his chest bare as he breathed slowly.

She waved to Paul and Michael before closing the door and kneeling beside him. She smiled and pressed her lips against his closed eyelids, her mouth travelling across his cheeks and down his neck.

His eyes flickered open and he ran his hands through her hair, "good night?"

She nodded, "I could do with a hand undoing this dress Mr.Masters," she smiled, trailing her hand down her chest before standing up and walking up the stairs.

"You're a hell of a tease do you know that?" He almost growled, pushing her back against the wall before turning her around and undoing her dress. His lips travelled down her neck and across her back and she unclipped her hair before turning and looking at him,

"I'm all yours... You know that," she smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her lips against his own.

"So... Are you going to own me Mr. Masters?"

She squealed as he lifted her and kissed her strongly. Hours later Mia began to cry and Connie groaned, "sometimes I forget we can't just sleep in after a night of sex,"

He got up and kissed her, "I'll get her,"

"Hi baby girl," Connie soothed, and as she always did, Mia settled quickly against her skin,

Jacob propped himself up on his elbow and reached for his phone. She wore nothing but a pair of knickers, Mia cuddling against her chest. Her hair fell over her shoulders and her eyes sparkled as she looked at him.

He took a picture of her, before showing her the image, "that would look better with you in it," she told him fondly and he smiled, pressing his lips against hers before he smiled and took another photograph.

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