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She sat on the edge of the plinth as the prosthetist and physiotherapist checked the fitting of her socket and prosthetic limb. She'd waited a few weeks for the prosthesis to be made, and for the swelling after surgery to settle.

"Come here," she smiled as the therapists stepped back to allow Jacob to walk inbetween the parallel bars,

She stood, albeit not very steadily on her prosthetic limb and she placed her hands gently onto his face,

"You look amazing," he told her as she stood before him,

"Mmm, so do you," she smiled, placing her hands on his chest and kissing his mouth ever so gently.

"Can we go out for dinner tonight?" She asked,

"You want me to take you on a date?" He asked, whispering into her ear as she smirked at him,

She raised an eyebrow, "your call Mr. Masters,"

He laughed, "a date it is sweetcheeks."

He watched as she walked up and down the parallel bars wearing her prosthetic leg.

The therapist handed her a walking stick and she took it, striding out of the bars comfortably before wobbling as she tried to turn around.

"We don't need usually let someone take their limb home the first time they've tried it," the therapists admitted, "but your safe and sensible... So just make sure you keep checking your skin regularly, sometimes the prosthesis needs altering slightly as the residual volume of your limb will reduce when you're wearing it all the time,"

Connie nodded, "thank you,"

An hour later she was cleared to take her limb home and Connie held out her hand,

"I couldn't have got through this without you..." She told him, "I know you must be exhausted."

"My mum and sister want to come over this afternoon," he told her, "they have two nieces, you've met them before but if that's too many people I understand,"

She shook her head, "stop worrying... It's fine."

"Connie," Paige and Jade squealed as they opened the door.

"Mum said you forgot your memory... I'm Paige... And jade is my sister," Paige smiled,

"It's lovely to see you girls," Connie smiled, before they lead her into the living room,

"This is our mum, she's uncle Jacobs sister, she's called Ellie,"

Ellie enveloped Connie into a hug, "you're still as beautiful as you were the first time we met you," she smiled, before squeezing her hand, "are you okay? Are the girls too much?"

Connie shook her head, "no... I feel comfortable here with you and your family... Even if I don't quite remember everything,"

"She looks good doesn't she," Tanya smiled as Jacob watched as she played with his nieces.

"You need to take that off and check your skin," he told her as she stood in the kitchen making mugs of tea.

"I don't want to scare the girls," she admitted,

"Show them how to do it," he smiled, "chances are they'll think it's cool."

Ellie watched on as her daughters helped Connie take her Prosthetic leg on and off and check her skin,

"Your leg makes you look like you have super powers," Jade smiled and Connie laughed,

"Well that definitely a positive isn't it,"

"Can we watch a film Paige asked and Connie nodded, "come on then,"

She found that since her accident and subsequent surgeries she was more tired than she had ever remembered feeling. The relatively small amount of walking she'd done that day had exhausted her, not that she was about to admit that to anyone just yet.

She fell asleep on the sofa with Jade asleep in front of her. Her arm was around Jacobs niece, and Ellie smiled as Paige sat on Jacobs lap.

"She's just as she was before the accident," Tanya told Jacob, as Paige nodded.

"She's still fun uncle Jacob, and her leg is cool,"

Jacob smiled, "well done you girls, you've been very grown up and like and helpful about all of this,"

Paige snuggled into him; "I know she'll remember things soon,"

"I hope so," Jacob smiled.

"I think you should show her all of your travelling pictures, I think she'd like to see them..."

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