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They found agreeing on a dog was harder than the wedding planning. When they had finally found a local breeder, he squeezed her hand,

"Come on you, let's find our new play mate,"

"Oh Jacob," she smiled as she watched the young puppies playing outside. They were all excited to see new people and Connie found that the smallest one caught her eye. She watched as the small chocolate Labrador rested against her legs and smiled as her tail wagged as she ran her fingers through her soft fur. He crouched down beside her and watched how contented the puppy looked,

"Can we take her?" Jacob asked and the owner nodded.

He placed his hand on her thigh as the puppy slept peacefully on her lap on the car journey home.

"The girls are going to love her," she smiled and he nodded,

"It looks like she's taken to you already."

"Oh my goodness, she's so cute," Jade smiled, cuddling into Connie as the puppy jumped at her chest.

"Can we take her for a walk?" Paige asked and Jacob shook his head,

"Not for two weeks, she needs her vaccinations first,"

"Promise you'll call us when we can?"

"Of course," Connie smiled as Ellie sat down beside Paige,

"I think you're going soft Jacob,"

Jacob rolled his eyes, "tell me about it."

Jacob woke to find Connie wasn't beside him, and he walked down the stairs to see her asleep on the sofa, the dog curled up in her arms,

He smiled and turned on the shower to heat it up before he heard her padding up the stairs, the dog hot on her heels.

She cuddled into his chest, picking the dog up and handing her to Jacob, laughing as she curled into him.

"I know we're supposed to let her cry at night, but I couldn't," she admitted, "we got her to love her, not let her cry,"

Jacob kissed her mouth gently, "you think we can shower without her making too much fuss?"

She nodded, "put her in her cage, I'll get it and wait for you,"

"I love you," he told her and she kissed his mouth, "even if that dog is getting more attention than me,

"I'll just keep these underwear to myself then shall I?" She smirked and he laughed, grabbing her hand as she reappeared from the bathroom,

"Don't you dare," he laughed, picking her up as she laughed against him.

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