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He woke to see her sat on the window sill over looking the snowy landscape. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her; she wore nothing but a pair of pants and his oversized jumper and he felt his heart rate increasing as he remembered last night.

He got up quietly, slipping his arm around her shoulders, his free hand settling on her cheek,

"You are ever so beautiful," he told her honestly, lifting her chin so he could kiss her lips gently.

She smiled, kissing his mouth and moaning gently as he scooped her up and lay her on the bed,

"I feel like I've died and gone to heaven," he winked and she rolled her eyes, "shut up and come here," she smiled.

They held hands as they walked over the frozen lake, "before you say it, I know you can drive, but humour me and get on the back of this skidoo with me," he smiled and she tiptoed up to kiss him gently.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and before he pulled on his helmet he turned and kissed her, making her smile against him.

They opted to get a takeaway pizza and ended up eating it in the jacuzzi with a bottle of champagne. She slipped onto his lap and closed her eyes as she rested her head on his,

"Saying goodbye is going to be so hard," she spoke quietly, "I wish we could travel like this forever,"

He ran his fingertips over her face and she watched him closely, "what are you doing?"

"Remembering you," he smiled, "you're beautiful and wonderful and perfect... And it's going to be hard not seeing you like this every day,"

Their time together passed too quickly and before they knew it they were sat in Costa at Heathrow airport, waiting for their delayed luggage. She was quiet and she moved so she sat in his lap, her arms around his neck as she cuddled into him,

He tucked her hair behind her ear, "I don't even know your surname sweet cheeks," he spoke quietly, pulling her into him as they sat on the large sofas.

"Chase," she replied,

"Mines Masters," he smiled and she pushed her lips firmly to his. "Connie," he sighed, kissing her back, holding her tightly too his chest,

"I hate goodbyes..." She admitted quietly, "it was awful last time, and this time I feel even worse,"

"Please don't tell me this is where you say thanks for the good time and memories and leave me here?" He asked, pushing her hair back from her face,

"You live four hours away,"

He nodded, "if we don't try this... I'll feel incomplete forever,"

She typed her English number into his phone, "okay... We can try and hold onto this... But shift work is horrendous, and I don't want us to start resenting each other,"

He kissed her forehead, "I could never resent you..."

He kept a tight grip of her as their bags came around the carousel. She smiled at Charlie who waved to let her know he was there,

"I think I've fallen in love with you," he told her as they hugged, his face pressing against her hair. She kissed his mouth gently, "get home safely, I'll see you soon."

"Charlie," Connie smiled, hugging her friend gently, "thank you for coming to get me,"

"That's quite alright, that's some tan you have there,"

"I've been in snowy Sweden for a week," she smiled, "it's faded a bit now."

"Who's your friend?"

"That's Jacob..." She smiled, "we met in Thailand and I've travelled with him ever since,"

"He looks like he's quite fond of you,"

She nodded, "I know how he feels."

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