Ho Chi Minh city

331 14 6

It was early and the sun was just about to rise into the sky. He was aware of soft lips against his cheek and a hand slipping into his own,

"It's early," he groaned and she laughed as he pulled her into him,

He wrapped her up in his arms and she laughed as he closed his eyes again,

"Come on... Don't go back to sleep... I want to watch the sunrise,"

"You're a pain," he grumbled good naturedly, pulling on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and handing her one of his jumpers.

They sat on a sun lounger, her between his legs, his hands running through her hair, watching the sun as it rose slowly. She felt increasingly at ease with this man who had become one of her closest friends, she liked the closeness they shared and he allowed her to remember how nice it was to rest in someone's arms.

"Come on, let's get some breakfast," he smiled,

"In a minute," she smiled, turning to look up at him and smile, "I'm really comfortable here,"

He pressed her lips against her temple gently, "okay sweetcheeks, we can stay here as long as you like."

"I'll never get bored of sunsets like this," she told him, "life at home is too busy to enjoy the simple things in life,"

He nodded, "it is isn't it,"

"Tell me," she began, "if there is one thing you're going to change when you go home... What will it be?"

He smiled, moving to get more comfortable for a moment before he sighed, "sound ridiculous, but I'm going to make more effort to be outdoors... Whether it's walking or swimming or climbing... I've realised how much I just like being outside over these past few months."

She nodded, "I'm going to be kinder, more approachable... You've reminded me of how I used to be..."

"You don't strike me as someone unkind,"

She exhaled, "unkind may be the wrong word I just... I was cold," she admitted, "and unapproachable... And being out here and spending so much time with you has made me feel and behave how I used too..."

He held her too him and gently rocked her from side to side, "your husband was a fool letting you go," he told her kindly, "if you were my wife, I'd be holding onto you with both hands and telling you just how incredible you are,"

She felt her eyes filling with tears at his words and she turned and tucked herself into his chest, "I didn't mean to upset you sweetcheeks," he told her gently and she shook her head,

"I can't understand what changed Jacob? I can't understand why he became such an arsehole,"

He kissed the top of her head, "I can't answer that sweetheart, but I do know something,"

She looked at him and he had to fight every urge he had not to kiss her, "I know you're beautiful, and intelligent and funny... You're outlook on the world is wonderful, and you've made my travels so much more fun,"

She kissed his cheek gently, "thank you," she told him, "he never told me anything as kind as that,"

He smiled, "like I said, he's a fool."

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