I promise

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He entered her hospital room to find that she was nowhere to be seen. He pulled on his coat and finally found her sat on a bench, her fingertips running over notes,

"What have you got there Con?" He asked, watching how she looked at him,

"These notes were in my bag... They clearly meant something to me,"

He took them gently out of her hands and smiled, "I wrote you these whilst we were travelling,"

"Can we try friends first?" She asked, facing him and watching how he swallowed firmly, "I hate that I can't remember you, and I understand if you don't want to wait for me..."

She couldn't stop the tears that fell from her dark eyes and he found it increasingly hard to hold back his own,

"I'm sorry that I'm hurting you," she told him and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, smiling as she leaned into him like she used too when they were away.

"We spent many months as just friends," he smiled, "I can manage that."

"Tanya," Connie uttered as she stood in the queue for a cup of coffee,

"Connie," Jacobs mum smiled, embracing her tightly, "you remember me?"

Connie sat opposite her at the table, "not really I know your name, and I know I've met you before but I can't tell you how I know you,"

"I'm Jacobs mum," she smiled, taking her hand and squeezing it,

Connie found that without warning she burst into tears, loud, heart wrenching sobs that she couldn't control. Tanya guided her to a seat and hugged her firmly, only letting go when her tears subsided,

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, "he really loves me doesn't he?"

"There's no need to be sorry, this isn't your fault... And yes my darling, he does really love you,"

"Why can't I remember him Tanya? I have to go to rehab... For my leg and I... I want to go near here, I think if I'm closer to him, I may be able to recover some memories... Did I love him too?"

"I think you probably loved each other earlier than either of you knew," she smiled.

"Hi Con," he smiled as he visited her in the rehab hospital, "what are the tears for?"

"They don't think my leg is salvageable... The external fixator isn't working... If have the amputation now I can probably have a transtibial amputation... If I wait it'll be transfemoral..."

He sighed, slipping onto the bed beside her and wrapping his arm around her shoulders,

"I feel safe with you," she told him gently,

He smiled, "you always used to say that,"

He watched as she sat onto the sofa beside him,

"I remembered something today," she smiled,

"Well I think I did..."

She smiled and turned to face him, she felt an overwhelming sense of familiarity with him, but she just couldn't place the memories, "we were wrapped up in loads of jumpers and scarfs and thick coats... The blankets we were using were frozen with snow,"

He smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear gently,

"We were watching the northern lights... They were beautiful and..." She shrugged, "and they we kissed," she smiled, "I felt like I was coming home, I remember feeling warm and safe and excited and like I didn't ever want to move from your arms,"

He couldn't help the tears that fell from his dark eyes,

"I'm sorry," she told him,

"Don't be," he smiled, "that was the first time we kissed... We had been apart for a month and that was the first time we kissed."

"Will you still visit me... You know... After the amputation?" She asked quietly,

"Connie... I will visit you until you tell me not too,"

"I'm scared Jacob," she admitted, "scared that I won't remember us, scared that I'll never run again... I'm so scared," she sobbed and he held her to his chest,

"It may not mean much now sweetheart, but there's no need to be scared, I've got you and you're strong... We've got this together I promise."

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