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To all you lovely readers; this was supposed to be short... And now it's long!! Hope you're not getting too bored by this!! 

"Connie... You don't look very ready," Duffy smiled, "just as well, you have a visitor,"

Connie stood up as Jacob slipped his arms around her waist as she looked out across the large gardens of the hotel. She turned in his arms and he held her gently.

She wasn't sure of the reason but tears ran down her cheeks and he pressed his lips against hers as she grasped his t-shirt.

"We don't have to do this," he told her gently, "all I want is you... We don't have to get married if you're not ready,"

His kindness made her tears roll down her cheeks faster and he held her gently,

"Talk to me sweet-cheeks,"

She looked at him, and she was always surprised to see just how kind and patient he was with her.

"I'm scared," she admitted, "I stood somewhere not to dissimilar to this and I thought I was going to be married to Michael forever... And he cheated on me and I... I told myself I'd never fall in love again..." She looked at him, "and then I fell head over heels in love for you... I couldn't help myself and I'm scared that things are too good and it will all go wrong,"

He tucked her hair behind her ear gently, "I love you doesn't sound enough," he admitted, "but I fell in love with you when I saw you lying on that beach... We were in Koh Lanta and you fell asleep in that wise old couples house... She told me you'd been hurt and she told me to look after you... I vowed then that I would never let you go..."

"I can't explain how you make me feel," he told her, "but if you're not ready for this,"

She placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him, "I meant it when I said I wanted to be your wife... Go and get ready."

He handed her a thin chain, "I know your last one broke," he explained, watching how she pulled open her purse and found the "temporary ring" he'd bought her in Iceland. He slipped the ring onto the chain and clipped it round her neck, "I can't wait to see you in that dress, I know you'll look so beautiful,"

"Thank you, stupid isn't it but I love this ring,"

He kissed her gently, "you know I'd marry you as you are right now..." He smiled, "you know you're my forever don't you?"

"Don't make me cry again," she smiled, "I love you..."

"I mean it you know, I'm happy with you, we don't have to do this if you don't want too..."

"When do I ever do anything I don't want to," she smiled, watching how his smile widened,

"Next time I see you..."

"I'll be your wife," she smiled, "I love you, now go..."

She stood at the top of the aisle, her heart in her mouth. He stood waiting for her and she knew as he winked at her that she was making the right choice.

Their guests smiled as they watched her walk towards him, she looked beautiful, her eyes sparkling as she walked towards him.

She took his hand and he felt the tears rise in his own eyes, "you look incredible," he told her and she watched him,

"You look so handsome," she smiled, squeezing his hand before gently kissing his cheek.

"I can hardly believe we have got to this point," she smiled, her eyes meeting his, "when I found out my husband was cheating on me. I promised myself I would never fall for anyone again. And then I met you. You're my tall, dark, handsome man who has managed to show me all that is right in the world... I know what has happened to me has been hard on you, and I need you to know how grateful I am for everything you've done, for always being so kind and loyal and passionate..." She placed a hand on his cheek, "I love you Jacob Masters, I wouldn't be me without you... And I promise to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much I love you,"

He stepped closer to her, smiling as everyone laughed as Connie rolled her eyes as tears ran down his cheeks. She caught his tears with her fingertips and smiled, catching his hands in her own,

"You amaze me," he told her, "you are the most beautiful, strong, amazing woman I've ever known and I will always be in awe of you..." He inhaled and she smiled at him, "I promise to help you love life... I promise to stand by you for the rest of our life... I promise to speak when words are needed and to hold you and share the silence when they are not..." He ran his hand over her shoulder, "you're my world and I can't wait to call you my wife."

They exchanged rings and she slipped her arms around his waist as he ran his hands down her neck, before he kissed her gently,

"I love you Mrs. Masters," he told her quietly,

"I love you," she told him, as she took his hand and walked through the confetti that scattered across them.

She slipped into his arms as they danced, their guests surrounding them. His hands rested on the smooth skin of her back,

"You are the most beautiful bride," he told her, his lips against her temple,

"Promise me something," she asked him as she slipped her hands up around his neck,

"Anything," he nodded,

"Promise me that we will have no secrets... And that you'll tell me if you're ever unhappy,"

"How could I be unhappy with you as my wife?" He uttered against her skin,

"Jacob," she uttered, her fingertips running over his neck,

"I promise," he told her and he watched the smile that spread across her face.

She danced with Paul as she watched Jacob dancing with his nieces,

"Congratulations," he told her gently and she smiled,

"Thank you,"

"He makes me happy," she told him honestly, "he makes me forget about work and my leg and everything else... And he never fails to make me feel like I'm the most amazing woman in the world,"

"He's a good man," Paul nodded, "you let him look after you."

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