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"What's the matter muscles?" She asked, as she stood behind him, slipping her arms over his shoulder and down his chest as she pressed her lips to his neck.

He guided her so she sat onto his lap,

"I've had a great few weeks with you," he smiled, "I guess I'm a little gutted to be heading back to reality,"

"We can do this again," she told him, "why don't we make sure that every six months we get away... Even for a weekend..."

He nodded,

"And think of how excited the girls will be to see us," she smiled.

"Hi sweetheart," Connie smiled, embracing Mia tightly as she hugged her. Connie kissed her hair softly and Mia smiled.

"We've missed you loads," Mia uttered, curling into Connie as they sat on the sofa. The dog appeared and Connie smiled,

"Hello sweetheart... Did you look after our girls?"

"How old is she now mum?"

"Eight," Jacob smiled, handing their other excitable daughter over to Connie,

"Wow... She's old... No wonder you love her so much."

They all fell asleep on the living room sofas that evening and Connie moved Mia so she could go and curl up with Jacob.

"As much as I loved India, it's lovely to be back with our family," she smiled and he nodded,

"I knew it... You've finally gone soft,"

She raised her eyebrow, "shut up... It's all your doing, I hope you know that."

Connie appeared in the house after dropping Sophie to school, surprised to hear Mia running up the stairs shouting at her dad.

Connie placed a hand on his arm, "don't go to work until she's apologised, I'll send her down,"


"I mean it," she told him, "give her five minutes."

He nodded, kissing her mouth, watching as she walked up the stairs.

"Don't you speak to your dad like that Mia," Connie told her, watching how her daughters eyes filled with tears.

"Sorry mum... I just miss him and he's always at work,"

Connie cuddled her gently, "your dad works hard to look after us all, you know he'd much rather be here with us than working sweetheart," Mia sighed.

"I didn't mean to shout mum," Connie nodded, crouching in front of her,

"Now go and give him a cuddle before he goes and then you and me can spend the day together..."

"I have school..."

"I thought you were looking a bit ill," Connie smiled as Mia grinned,


"If you give your dad a cuddle and say sorry," she told her firmly.

Jacob looked up as Mia ran down the stairs into his arms, he looked up at Connie and she smiled.

"Sorry dad,"

"Me too sweetheart... I promise we will do something as a family this weekend okay?"

She nodded, "promise?"

"I promise,"

Connie laughed as her seven year old daughter flicked her now straight hair. She'd been wanting a straight blow dry for ages and Connie had finally caved.

"Now I finally have hair like yours mum," she grinned and Connie squeezed her hand,

"Shall we pop into work to say hi to your dad... Then we can grab some lunch before we pick up your sister?"

"Hi baby," Jacob smiled, "you look just like your mum,"

Connie kissed his cheek, "you free for lunch?"

He nodded, before leading her out of his office, "school?" He asked and she shrugged,

"I said we could spend the day together... We can talk about it later,"

"Was is about this morning?"

She nodded, "she was really upset Jacob... I just felt like she needed some attention,"

He nodded and kissed her gently, "I'm not questioning you... I'm not..."

"We can talk later,"

He nodded, "I love you..." He opened his office door, "ready Mia?"

She grinned, "ready."

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