Not fair

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"Do you think she's doing the right thing?" Jacob asked Charlie as Connie slept soundly on his chest,

Charlie nodded, "the prosthetics rehab is better here, and I think it's wise she has some company to go home too... So yes..."

"You and Duffy and Paul... Any of her friends really, are more than welcome anytime,"

"Look after her for me Jacob, shes strong, but she's needs looking after,"

Jacob shook her awake gently, "Charlie's going home sweetcheeks,"

She stood up and wrapped her arms around Charlie and Duffy, "thank you, it's been really good to see you both."

A few nights later she woke up early, her head full of thoughts and dreams and memories and she couldn't distinguish dreams from reality. "Fuck," she uttered, slipping her arms into her crutches and making her way downstairs and outside. She couldn't help but yell and scream, sinking onto the floor as she threw her crutches away from her. Jacob woke with a start and ran down the stairs, sitting down beside her and enveloping her into his arms. She sobbed loudly against him, his strong arms providing her with the company and kindness that she wished she didn't need.

"I can't tell the difference between dreams and memories and I... I... I'm so tired," she sobbed, "this isn't fair on me... Or on you and I... Why do you want me when I'm like this, look at you... You can have anyone you want, why would you want me... Someone who can't work, someone without a leg who can't remember anything,"

"Because we loved each other in a way that neither of us had loved before," he told her, "and if there's any chance we can find that love... Or new love again... I don't want anyone else," his kind words hit her hard as she found she couldn't stop the tears now they'd started.

He, for his part, didn't say anything else, He held her too him, his hand running through her hair before carrying her back indoors and laying her onto the sofa. He tucked the blanket over her as she slept, rearranging her physio appointment to later in the day.

Whilst he went out for a run, he woke and showered and made herself look how she used too. When he came in she placed her hands either side of his face and kissed his cheeks gently,

"You look good Con," he smiled and her eyes sparkled as she looked at him,

"Even in your running gear, so do you,"

He made them a cup of tea and she stepped into his embrace,

"I'm sorry about this morning Jacob,"

"You don't need to be," he told her kindly, "you want some company at this appointment?"

"Please..." She smiled, "with any luck I can take my leg home today."

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