Mummy's girl

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"Oh hi princess, have you been good?" Connie smiled as she took a smiling Mia from Ellie. Mia fell asleep almost immediately and Connie smiled, sitting onto the sofa. She beckoned over the girls and kissed them gently as they sat either side of her and Mia.

"We helped feed and bathe her Auntie Connie," they both told her at once and Connie smiled,

"She's a mummy's girl that's for sure," Jacob smiled, hugging his nieces before smiling at his sister.

"She's like a little doll," Ellie smiled, "she's still so small and delicate,"

"I don't think she gets that from me," Jacob smiled and Ellie laughed, "no... You're the clumsiest man on the planet,"

"Shut up you," he smiled, before Connie and the girls laughed at him.

"Remember when you reversed the car into the fence?" Jade laughed and Jacob shook his head,

"I'm sure we were supposed to keep that a secret..."

"You're definitely not driving my car now," Connie smiled and Jade and Paige laughed,

"You two... Are supposed to be on my side?"

He rolled his eyes as the girls shook their head, "no... We're on Connie's,"

Connie smiled, "thank you for having her today,"

"I was wondering... Seeing as the girls enjoyed her so much, we could take her one night a week?"

"That's too much for you Ellie..."

"It's not," she smiled,

"Please Auntie Connie... It's good for us to have responsibility," Jade smiled and Connie couldn't help but laugh.

She looked at Jacob and he smiled and nodded, "only if you're sure Ellie?"

Connie laughed as the two girls jumped up and danced around Jacob, "if it gets too much you tell me,"

"I can see how much you love each other, and you've had the girls countless times... With my hours more stable at work, I'd like to return the favour... And as she said the responsibility is good for them."

"Thank you," Connie smiled, the prospect of a night a week with only her husband for company making her more than happy.

"You're so good with her," he told her one night, slipping his hands around her waist as her hand continued to rest on Mias stomach as she dozed off.

"I didn't know it was possible to love two people as much as I love the two of you," he told her as she turned to him, slipping her arms around his neck,

She kissed his mouth, "you look exhausted... Come on... Let's go to bed."

"One fatal heart attack, two stabbings, one Fatal stroke and two sick kids," he uttered, so mentally and physically exhausted he could barely take off his uniform.

She undressed him and pushed him into bed, "shhh... Go to sleep..." She whispered laying on her side and facing him as she slipped an arm under his own.

"I love you," he whispered and she smiled, pulling up the covers and pressing her lips to his forehead, "I know you do."

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