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Sorry for the update delays, currently in India, will update again whilst I can! I'm also still reading lots of your fics, but wifi isn't strong enough to always reply :) 

Jacob was on a course for a few days and she wondered around the house with a Rolo close beside her. She sent him a message and lay down on the sofa, the dog nestling beside her.

"Thank god we have Rolo... Although I'm feeling very lonely without my husband,"

"This course isn't worth leaving you home alone... I'm counting down the hours until I have you in my arms again."

He smiled as he saw the photo she'd sent him of Rolo up on the sofa, resting her head on her stomach.

"I see, as soon as I go away, she gets my seat?"

"What do you expect, I need someone to keep me company," she messaged, before whistling to Rolo as she headed upstairs.

He arrived home a few days later to see Connie sat on the bar stools a small envelope in front of her,

She got up and slipped her arm around his neck as he lifted her onto the work top.

He pressed his mouth against hers and she responded eagerly, before they laughed as Rolo barked.

"Sorry girl," he laughed, stroking her head as she leaned against his legs, "have you looked after your mother?"

"She's been as good as gold," she smiled,

"I have something for you," Connie smiled, nodding at the envelope on the side.

He picked it up and walked over to her, "what is it?"

"You'll know when you open it," she told him, her hands beginning to undo his shirt,

"You're distracting..." He smiled, pulling out a sheet of paper,

"Welcome home daddy," Jacobs hand flew over his mouth as he looked at the scan photograph,

"You're pregnant," he smiled, watching her as she lifted her dress over her head, her hand falling to her stomach,

"Twelve weeks..." She smiled,

He placed his hand over hers, his eyes filling with tears, "please tell me you want this,"

He pushed her hand behind her ears, "I do... Of course I do... Two of you to love and protect," he smiled,

Rolo barked and he rolled his eyes, "three of you," he smiled, "I'm sure that dog understands us,"

She smiled and he ran his thumb over her stomach, "I love you," he smiled, "you've given me everything I want,"

"Now we're both half naked we may as well have an early night," she smirked and he raised an eyebrow as he slipped her shoes from her feet and ran his hands up her legs as she undid his trousers,

"It's early afternoon..."

"You complaining Mr. Masters?"

"Of course not... It's been five days... Five whole days without you against me,"

"Not sure how you've coped," she smiled and he nipped her collarbone gently before carrying her up the stairs.

She came home to see Jacob running around with the girls outside. Ellie placed a hand on Connie's forearm gently, "we haven't told the girls yet, but Jacob said congratulations are in order..."

Connie smiled, placing a hand on her stomach, "thank you,"

"You're going to be great parents," Ellie smiled and Connie exhaled,

"I'm a bit worried if I'm honest... What if I'm not... I mean Jacob will be, but I..."

Ellie smiled kindly, "my girls haven't taken to anyone the way they do you... You'll be just fine."

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