You amaze me

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Seems like I can continue to babble on with this for a while! Hope you're all still enjoying reading it, I love reading your comments and any constructive criticism is always welcome too! I'm very jet lagged so I apologise if the grammar is terrible! Xx

"Connie?" He uttered, surprised to hear the girls shouting at each other, Rolo barking and Mia crying as Connie bounced her up and down.

"Don't," she uttered, grateful as he opened the back door for Rolo and took the CD, seemingly the cause of their argument, off his nieces.

"Girls... Get Rolo's lead... Sweetcheeks, I'll be an hour at least..."

He cupped her face with his hands, "you're wonderful and I love you... Shall I take Mia too?"

She nodded, "please... I could do with a shower... She's been so clingy today."

"Take your time," he told her gently, before he ran his hands slowly through her hair as she rested her head on his chest,

"Is it terrible that I miss the days where we could shower together?" she sighed, making him smile.

"I feel like the most awful woman and mother in the world today..." She spoke quietly, as he held her firmly. 

He shook his head, "you amaze me... Every single day... Today is just one of those days... So go and have a bath, I'll make dinner when I'm back... Chill out for once."

"You've been at work all day... I'm sorry,"

He kissed her gently, "you don't need to be sorry, you're doing a great job..."

When he came home he smiled as he saw her laying on the sofa in his jumper and a pair of joggers. Rolo immediately lay on the floor beside her, and the girls disappeared into the kitchen with Jacob to help him cook.

Leaving the girls to set the table, he lay behind her on the sofa, "you hungry?"

"Starving," she admitted, "ive hardly had time to eat today,"

He moved her gently and she took his hand, "thank you,"

"Don't be silly," he smiled, "I only wish I didn't have to work so much..."

She kissed him, "I love you."

"We're sorry for fighting auntie Connie," Connie kissed their foreheads, "don't worry girls, thank you for taking Rolo and Mia out for me,"

Once the girls had gone to bed and Mia had finally settled, Jacob curled up on the sofa beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist as she turned to face him.

"I love the way you look after Mia and Jade and Paige... And I love the way you still find time to take Rolo out... I don't know how you still keep the place tidy... And most of all, after a day like today, I'm amazed at how good you look after just an hour and a half of peace and quiet..."

He brushed her hair back from her face, "you amaze me... You always have..." He kissed her gently, "I'm more than sure that you always will."

"I felt like I was drowning today," she admitted, "and you came home and made it all better."

He smiled, "as long as you want me too, I will always be here to make it better."

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