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The two girls sat outside on the blanket as Connie asked them to close their eyes. Jacob smiled as she handed them a scan photo and told them to open their eyes.

"Is this a baby?" Paige grinned and Jacob slipped his arms around Connie's waist,

"You're having a baby?" Jade grinned, "that mean we will have a cousin..."

Jacob ran his hands over hers and kissed her cheek,

"Do you have a bump?"

"Of course not," Ellie smiled as she sat on the floor beside her daughters. "You're going to be one of those people who look like that throughout your pregnancy."

Connie rolled her eyes, "I wish... My clothes are already getting tight,"

She felt Jacob press a kiss to her temple and Paige grinned, "what are you laughing at?" Connie asked as Jacob wandered inside,

"Uncle Jacob really loves you," they giggled and Connie kissed their foreheads, "I really really love him too."

"Hi princess," he smiled, pressing his lips to her hair,

"Sorry for waking you this morning," she smiled and he kissed her cheek softly,

"Don't be silly, how are you feeling?"

"Better," she smiled,

"The fact you're six months pregnant and still wearing those heels amazes me," he commented and she lifted her blouse,

"This skirt needs to be retired for a while though,"

He laughed, "you're beautiful, you know that?"

She rolled her eyes, "I should do... You tell me often enough,"

He ran his fingers over hers, "I want you to feel as special are you are."

"You look exhausted," Ellie told Connie as she dropped the girls off,

"I'm sorry to leave them here, I can see if someone else can have them?"

"It's fine," she smiled, "they can walk Rolo while I wander behind,"

"Auntie Connie, you're still skinny, but your stomach is sooo big now," Paige smiled, slipping her hand into Connie's as Rolo wandered beside them,

"How long until our cousin is here?"

"Four weeks," she replied, watching how Paige frowned slightly,

"What's up?"

"You and Jacob will still love us won't you?"

Connie nodded, "sweetheart of course we will... We're going to need your help with our new baby..."

They entered the house to smell Jacobs cooking. She watched as they surrounded him and smiled as he greeted them all happily.

"What's the matter sweetcheeks?" He asked, watching as the girls chased Rolo around the garden. He sat onto the sofa, pulling her so she sat sideways on his lap,

"I can't even hug you from behind anymore," she groaned, "and I'm far away from you when we have sex and I couldn't keep up with Rolo and the girls earlier,"

He ran his hands through her hair, "oh and I'm fat... I can't drink coffee and my back hurts..."

He kissed her lips gently, "I love you," he told her and she sighed, "even when I'm fat..."

"You're not fat... You're carrying our baby and you're beautiful..."

"I don't feel beautiful,"

He ran his hand gently through her hair, "to me Connie Masters, you are still the most beautiful woman in the world..."

"The world..."

He smiled, "yes... And just think in a few weeks time we will be parents..."

She placed her hand over his, smiling as the baby kicked underneath their hands,

"Looks like she knows her daddy already,"

He smiled, "she?"

She shrugged, "I just know."

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