Missing you

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"Hi my favourite girl," he smiled and she squeezed his hands gently, as he reached forward with his free hand to tuck her hair behind her ears,

"How are you feeling?" He asked as her eyes closed,

"Okay, but Tired," she yawned, "I wouldn't mind a cuddle,"

He smiled, slipping into the bed behind her and kissing her cheek as she closed her eyes,

"Your dog is missing you shes been running around to your side of the bed the last two mornings and whines when you're not there."

"Your both okay though?"

"Mmm... Just about," he smiled; "the place isn't the same without you,"

She dozed off easily, as she always did when she lay with him. He turned on the television so it played quietly as he ran his hand up and down her dark hair.

She sat in the chair with her leg elevated and was surprised as Rolo ran into the room, her tail wagging furiously.

Connie laughed, running her hand through the dogs fur and kissing her head,

"Hi my favourite girl," she smiled, seeing no sign of Jacob,

"Hey, I thought we were your favourite girls," Jade and Paige grinned,

Connie hugged them gently, "you're my favourite princesses,"

"hi sweetcheeks," Jacob smiled, as he saw how closely the dog sat to Connie as she continued to stroke her.

"We were walking by and the girls insisted we bought Rolo into to see you,"

Connie laughed, "I miss you all..."

"Can we see your new leg Auntie Connie,"

Connie looked at Jacob who nodded, she smiled as the girls announced that it was cool and she smiled,

"Girls... Do you want to get something from the vending machine you said you were hungry?" They nodded and took the money from his hand eagerly,

Jacob knelt in front of her and placed his hands either side of her cheeks, before he kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his neck and couldn't help the slight moan that left her lips,

"You look beautiful," he told her, running his hands gently through her hair, "when do I get to take you home?"

"Tomorrow," she smiled, watching as he shifted her so she could sit across his lap, "another night alone?"

She kissed his mouth gently, "just one more night and we can all be back together,"

He nodded, "I'll make it up to you I promise,"

"I'm not sure how you're going to make up for me spending five nights without you,"

She looked up as the girls ran in, "I'll leave that to your imagination for now," she whispered.

She felt a difference as soon as she put the prosthesis on. It was more comfortable and she needed to think far less about where she was placing her foot.

She walked up and down the gym unaided and Jacob watched as Jade kicked a football at her, Connie returning it easily.

"Now... It's really important you stick to the protocol at home," the Consultant told

Connie, "this is a trial and we need to make sure your bone thickens and adjusts to weight bearing in good time,"

Connie nodded, "deal,"

"You can take the prosthesis home Connie," the physiotherapist smiled, "just hold off on the running for at least twelve weeks... We can start running after your next bone scan,"

She walked into the ED, watching as Jacob came out of the staff room,

"Jesus Con," he smiled, "you're walking like you... Well... Like you've never had an amputation,"

She slipped her arms around his neck and kissed his neck gently, "I just thought I'd say hi... I'm heading home, when does your shift finish,"

"In an hour," he sighed, wanting nothing more than to go home with her.

"You could always escape now Mr. Masters," Mr. Cullen smiled, "go on, take your woman home."

Connie smiled at him, "thank you."

She slipped her hand into his as they walked into the car park, she was easily able to match his pace and she laughed as he pushed her back against the car,

"I'm sorry," he told her and she ran her hand over his cheek,

"What for?"

"For trying to persuade you against this... I didn't realise how much your other leg hurt and I was selfish,"

She shook her head, "you're not selfish,"

"Let's go home," he smiled, "I'm exhausted,"

"Not too exhausted to show me how sorry you are I hope," she smiled and laughed as he kissed her mouth,

"Of course not."

They never made it up the stairs, instead they lay by the fire, Rolo asleep beside them. She lay wearing only his shirt and he lay on his side running his hand up and down she stomach.

"I can't wait to marry you," he told her, watching how she opened her eyes and smiled at him,

"I can't wait to lay here like this with you and know you're mine forever,"

She linked her fingers with his and squeezed them, "I can't wait to call you my husband."

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