Wonders of the world

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So here is the last part, nothing groundbreaking but a good a place as any to end this. Thank you all so much for your lovely replies, I've loved reading them all :) Kendal rose xx

She sat in a black bikini watching how happily her daughters and Jacob played in the Sri Lankan see. Their girls were now 15 and 12, and they'd taken them away in their six week school holidays.

Jacob ran over to her, "come on Mrs. Masters... as outstanding you look sat there, the girls want to play volleyball."

He laughed as Connie and Mia beat him and Sophie and he lifted Connie running into the sea with her.

"Don't you dare," she squealed, knowing he'd ignore her protests.

"You look hot... Wanted to cool you down..."

"The girls want to stay in their friends villa tonight..." She smirked, "you think you and I can find something worth while to do?"

"You're always worthwhile sweet cheeks."

"Your mum is really beautiful," Sarah, a friend they'd met on holiday told Mia as Mia nodded,

"Tell me about it... She eats tons of pizza and still looks like that,"

Connie rolled her eyes as she came over, "stop telling everyone about my pizza habit... Enjoy your night girls, I'll see you tomorrow."

"You and dad off for dinner?"

Connie shrugged, "we may order in,"

"Pizza?" Mia laughed and Connie kissed her head gently, "that's enough from you."

She entered the villa to see two full glasses of champagne and the outdoor jacuzzi turned on. The outdoor lights lit up the area and Jacob appeared with pizza in his hands, wearing nothing but his swimming shorts.

"My husband, champagne and pizza... What more could I want?" she smiled, kissing his mouth before stripping down into her swimming costume and entering the water.

He sat beside her and lifted her legs so they rested over his thighs, his hands running up and down over her skin.

They ate, drunk and laughed together and she was once again reminded of how much she loved him. She slipped up onto his lap, placing her hands either side of his neck, before pressing her lips against his neck.

"I love you," she told him and he nodded.

"I love you more."


Watching Sophie wave them off a final time caused Connie's breath to catch in her chest. They had dropped her off at uni and Jacob rested his hand gently on her thigh,

"Come on my beautiful girl lets get you home,"

"I can't believe they're both at uni Jacob... Where has the time gone?"

Once they'd reached their house she sat on the floor, leaning back against his chest as she flicked through many photos albums. Her hand rested on a cream book and he kissed her neck, "we haven't looked through this in years,"

"Remember the days where we were just friends?" She smiled and he wrapped his arms tightly around her,

"You were the most amazing person back then... And even more amazing now," he smiled,

"I don't regret a thing," she told him as she flicked through the book slowly,

"Good," he admitted, "because you still make me happy... Every day..."

"You promised you'd never stop loving me," she told him, "when I was in hospital and I couldn't remember anything... That's what you told me,"

"I meant it," he confirmed, "I will love you forever."

"We're doing pretty well so far aren't we?"

She asked and he smiled, as she saw the picture he'd taken of her the second day they'd met, of her laying on the sand.

"We are... And you look just as incredible now as you did then..."

She smiled, "not quite,"

"Well you would do if you took off your clothes..."

She raised an eyebrow, "I'm sure that can be arranged."

"She'll be okay sweetcheeks..." He told her kindly, "she has you for a mother."

She cuddled into him, "laying here with you is my favourite wonder of the world," she admitted.

He smiled, kissing her mouth gently, "I know how you feel sweet cheeks... There isn't anywhere else I'd rather be."

Wonders of the worldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora