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Sat in an airport in Doha, so thought I'd post an update on this. I'm so pleased people are still reading this. I may start to think about wrapping it up in a while, unless anyone has any particular themes for chapters they'd like me to write :) x

She shoved him when he wouldn't wake up a few weeks later. She had been having gentle contractions throughout the night but as she got up and her waters broke, she knew it was now time to go into the hospital.

She sat on the side of his bed and kissed his mouth, before running her hand over his head.

"I need you to wake up," she sighed, watching as he finally opened his eyes,

"Oh... God ... Connie are they?"

She nodded, "calm down, I need you to take take my bag..."

"Your leg?" He asked, as he got out of bed and pulled on jeans and a dark t-shirt.

"It's fine," she assured him, "your shoes are downstairs,"

She stood at the top of the stairs with her hands on her stomach, watching as he ran down with her bag. He then ran back up, lifting her as she laughed before groaning as another contraction spread through her.

"Your contractions seem close together," he uttered as he locked the car.

"I think I'm ready to push," she admitted, "so hurry up... I am not giving birth in the hospital car park Jacob Masters," she uttered and he scooped her up, moving quickly with her to the ED.

"Connie, there's no time for maternity," Dr. Cullen uttered, "your baby is almost here,"

Jacob lay her on the bed and she gripped his hand as they pulled around screens.

"I've got you," he told her, wincing as she squeezed his hand.

Within the hour she had given birth and before she knew it, she lay cuddling her new born baby gently,

"There's a bed up in maternity," Mr Cullen smiled and she rolled her eyes,

"Bit late now hey,"

"She's beautiful," he smiled,

"Gets that from her mother," Jacob smiled as the consultant patted Jacobs shoulder before kissing Connie's cheek, "congratulations, you look after your girls staff nurse masters,"

"Of course," Jacob nodded, unable to tear his gaze from his newborn daughter and his beautiful wife.

"I can't stop looking at her," she smiled before shifting across the bed so Jacob could sit beside her,

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, before his free hand tilted her chin upwards,

"You were incredible," he told her, watching how she blushed,

"It's not like I had much choice but to push," she smiled and as he leaned forward and kissed her, she was reminded suddenly of just how much she loved this man.

"You know, we don't really need to go to a maternity ward... We could just go home?" She asked and he watched her carefully,

"Can we just get you both checked over and if all is okay then I'll take you home?"

"You have a deal Masters," she smiled and he kissed her again, "I can't believe we made something so beautiful," he uttered and she cuddled into him,

"I love you," she told him as she dozed off and he kissed her forehead,

"I love you more," he told her quietly and he got off the bed gently as the porters arrived to take her up to maternity.

She woke a few hours later to see Jacob sat beside the window holding their daughter in his arms.

She turned slowly, watching as he didn't take his eyes away from their daughter. She closed her eyes, listening as he spoke to their sleeping little girl.

"I can't believe how much I love you already," he told her gently, "you're going to grow into a beautiful woman like your mother, I can feel it already... She's the most amazing woman, your mum... And I'm going to spend the rest of my life looking after you both."

She slipped quietly out of bed and took their daughter out of his hands gently placing her in the cot. He smiled as she slipped onto his lap and buried her head into his neck.

"You will always be the most amazing man I've ever met," she told him as she looked up at him, running her fingertips over his face gently,

He pushed her hair back behind her ear and smiled, pressing his lips gently against her lips, "what a life hey Mrs. Masters..."

She cuddled into him, "I will never get bored of hearing you call me that." 

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