Northern lights

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"Where are we going?" She asked, unable to hide her smile as he raised his eyebrow,

"Wait and see,"

"Will I like it?" She smiled, and he nodded,

"Of course."

He took her hand as they walked through the the snow covered streets. He smiled as he watched how her face lit up as he lead her to where a pack of huskies were waiting.

She stood on the back of the metal sleigh, Jacob behind her, she could feel his breath against her ear and she screamed as the dogs pulled them quickly along the snow. "Jump... Onto the spike," he yelled, laughing as she eventually did, pulling the dogs to a halt.

"Thank you," she smiled, taking his hand and leaning into him as they entered a small coffee shop.

"Rumour has it, this place does the best hot chocolate ever," he smiled, before he ordered two and lead her to sit down.

They spoke about the last month and she smiled as the waitress handed her her drink.

"You are very beautiful," she told Connie, who immediately blushed,

"Thank you," she smiled.

"She's right you know," he smiled, "I like your hair like that,"

She shivered despite the multiple layers she wore, the blanket that covered them in the back of the sleigh was frozen and she was grateful as Jacob moved so he could pull her back and in between his legs. He wrapped her up in his arms and he smiled as he noticed how her teeth stopped chattering and how her eyes closed gently,

"Connie," he whispered, nudging her awake as the sky lit up with colours around them. She knelt up and smiled, her hand slipping around his neck subconsciously,

"This is so incredible," she gasped, noticing how everyone around them was transfixed on the colourful lights,

He smiled as he watched her eyes light up with the sky. She caught him looking at her and her other hand also wrapped around his neck gently,

"What?" She asked and he smiled,

"It's good seeing you happy... You're so very beautiful sweetcheeks,"

His hands cupped her cheeks and as he hesitated, she smiled and pressed her lips against his. She deepened the kiss, kissing his top and bottom lip separately before planting kisses down his neck. She inhaled as he kissed her more passionately, his tongue caressing hers before they had to part for air. She settled back against his chest as they watched the lights, her hands slipped into his and she pressed her lips against his neck softly.

His thumb brushed against her cheek and she smiled as he kissed her again. "You don't know how long I've waited to do that," he uttered, his lips against her forehead.

"Since we played volleyball in Thailand?" She teased and he pulled her closer,

"You're not far wrong."

Her hand slipped underneath his t-shirt as they began the hour and a half journey back to their hotel. She fell asleep quickly, his hands running up and down her stomach soothed her, whilst he stayed wide awake, watching her fondly. "So, where do we go from here?" He uttered more to himself than to her. 

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