Missing you

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I'm not very good with words, but I'm sorry about your brother. I'll be thinking of you and your family over the next few weeks. Stay strong, like you tell me. Remember the good times and remember how proud he would have been of you. And don't be ashamed to cry if you need too.

Travelling with you has been better than I could have imagined. Travelling with you has made me feel like myself again, it's made me happy, and far less cold.

I will miss you. I will miss falling into bed every night with a man who holds me ever so tightly and makes me feel safe and like I can do anything (walk through cows and small tunnels). I hope we meet again, I think I will lose all hope in fate if we don't.

Love Connie xx"

He lay in his old bedroom at his mum and dads, re-reading the letter she had written him. He wondered what she was doing now without him, and he wondered if she missed him as much as he did her.

He'd never spent so much time with a woman before; let alone a woman he wasn't romantically involved with. Maybe that was a mistake, maybe he should have told her just how much he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her like he'd never kissed anyone before.

She smiled as she found a small box in the running trainers he had bought her. She opened it to reveal a turquoise Garmin watch, that matched the trainers.

"Now when you train sweetcheeks you can see how fast and fit you are. Keep up the running, one day we can run a race together, no doubt you'll kick my arse.

There's no doubt that by the time you find this, I'll still be missing you curled around me.

Jacob xx"

She slipped the watch onto her wrist and smiled, she had a small collection of the notes he'd written her and she vowed to keep them. She sighed, tying up her hair and slipping on her trainers,

"I don't even know your surname," she uttered to herself, before closing the door and running off.

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