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"You could go on your own," she raised her eyebrow as she got out of the pool and sat beside him on his sun lounger.

He slipped his hand into hers, "I could, but I'd prefer it if you came,"

She sighed frantically, "fine, I'll go and get changed."

They stood in front of the cu chi tunnels and he smiled as the guide continued to speak.

"So... These tunnels... What is it you don't like about them?"

"Im a bit claustrophobic," she admitted, "I get that they're safe but the thought of them still gives me the shivers,"

"Right, do you trust me?" He smiled, and she nodded

"Probably more than I should," he smiled at her response,

"Then stay close and I'll lead the way... You'll be fine sweet cheeks I promise."

"I don't get why we need to go through them," she uttered and he rolled his eyes,

"You made me climb remember..."

"Yeah and you made me cycle through cows,"

"You didn't cycle.. You walked... And besides we didn't have any choice on that one."

They sat at dinner together that night and as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, she leaned against him.

"What?" She asked, and he smiled.

"You always this tactile? Not that I'm complaining of course,"

She shook her head, "usually quite the opposite, it must be the sun and the wine and the views,"

"Come on, let's head back to the hotel," he nodded, "there's far too many men here who keep trying to flirt with you,"

"Do they?"

"Like you don't notice,"

"I'm off men," she smiled and he laughed, "that right?"

"Well, not forever," she replied, "it's just nice to be on my own... Well... With you."

They sat on the balcony with a bottle of wine and two glasses between them. She wore a short white dress, that stood out against her dark tan. He noticed the way she shivered and handed her a jumper, and smiled at how she tucked her legs beneath her.

"You've never told me what bought you out here?" She asked and watched as he stood up, rubbing his face with his hands and leaning back against the balcony.

He looked at the way Connie sat on one of the chair, her hair wavy, her eyes dark as she watched him,

"Jacob... You don't need to tell me... Not if you don't want too," she told him gently,

"I suppose I need to talk about it with someone," he told her and she stood up, kissing his cheek, "let me get you a jumper, you collect your thoughts,"

She watched him as he placed his hands on the balcony and sighed. She stood up and cuddled into his side as he exhaled, "promise you won't hate me? I couldn't bear that," he told her,

"I couldn't," she told him quietly and he lead her back into the room, closing the door and leaning back against the headboard.

"Me and my now ex-wife had an argument one night," he told her, "it was over something stupid like shifts and I ended up storming out of the pub and going for a run..."

"I came across a man by the side of the road who'd been stabbed and I called the police... And the ambulance... And I had to start CPR... His blood was all over me and... The next day I was arrested for murder," he admitted, sipping the wine as she moved so she leaned back against her elbows and faced him, her legs out in front of her.

"He came round and confirmed it was me that had beat him up..."

"It wasn't... Of course it wasn't... But it turns out he had been screwing my wife and people thought that was my motive..."

CCTV eventually showed it wasn't me... I had to spend a couple of weeks in jail and I..." He shrugged, "when I came out I needed to get away I guess..."

She knelt beside him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, she noticed how he held her tightly and she kissed his cheek gently,

"Your wife is a fool like my husband," she told him, before she wrapped her arms around his waist and and pulled up the covers. She took his wine out of his hand and turned out the light. She fell asleep quickly in his arms and although he couldn't sleep yet he was glad that he had finally told someone.

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