Part 39

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"Well well well, what do we have here?" Razzardus said as he walked into the room. His voice sounded playful but his eyes shot fury towards me.

"Ahhh Razzardus. What a pleasant surprise!" I said casually as I returned to my seat.

"Yes, a surprise indeed. The whole of Leandre has been turned upside down in order to find you, who would have guessed that you were in the underworld this whole time." he said sourly

"I believe I have you to thank for that. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not planning on carrying your little monster inside of me any time soon." I said with a chuckle

Razzardus shot ice daggers with his eyes towards the vampire King, causing him to cower away. He obviously didn't like the fact that I knew so much about his plans.

"Princess Reyna, you have to believe me when I tell you that I had absolutely nothing to do with this incident whatsoever. " he started to explain but I cut him off

"I know Razzardus, jeez calm down." I said waving his explanations away with my hand

"Your little helpers here didn't have any idea I was even royal. In fact that little troll just told me to stop living in a fairy tale when I tried to explain once again what Ryan would do if he found them" I continued

The troll looked scared enough to pee himself at that moment, just realizing that I was actually telling the truth this whole time.

"Not that it would have made any difference if you had kidnapped me or not. A war is still going to be declared. I'm going to take back my kingdom once and for all Razzardus." I said serious

"If you wish for it to be this way then I have no choice but to return fire. Are you sure I could do nothing to change your mind? We could join forces. This war is only going to cause unnecessary deaths. " he asked

"No death is ever necessary Razzardus, there you have just pointed out why I would never be able to rule with you and why I would never be able to let my people be ruled by you. You have to return to the underworld where you belong." I said determined

"And I'm not leaving the throne willingly in your hands after all the people that lost their lives as we fought to gain this land" he said trying to play on my emotions.

"Then there truly is only one way to determine this isn't there?" I asked ending up right where we started

"I suppose the next time we meet will be on the battle field then" Razzardus said with a sigh. In his eyes however I could detect the excitement that the prospect, to get rid of me once and for all, held for him.

"I suppose so," I replied casually

He turned to leave "Oh Razzardus" I stopped him. I didn't know what to say but I had to do something that would make him stay just a little longer.

"Yes?" he asked when I didn't continue.

"will you be a dear and give us a lift home?" Zanne chipped in quickly "I am sure that these gentleman would have no problem with that right?" Zanne asked with a giggle

"Of course not. And allow me to offer my sincere apologies to you. This was never meant to happen, I just hope that one day there will be something that I could do to repay you for the horrible situation you have been put in" The Vampire King said with a couple of energetic head nods from the troll next to him

"Apology accepted, but on one condition." I said firmly, looking serious

"Anything" the King quickly assured. It wasn't his fault that he had to do this. He was forced. And to tell you the truth I would probably have done the same thing if I was in his position.

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