Part 17

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I received a few reads this weekend but almost no votes. :( Very sad. So you only get one chapter. I still have 2 chapters just waiting to be posted so vote if you want them.

I still love you <3 Rizca

Bibby's P.O.V

I couldn't believe my eyes. That little thing was a royal. But that was impossible! No royal lives besides King Ryan.

"Get up!!!" I scream out at the copiers that were still taking a nap after that elve did something to them. I was scared out of my mind.

Razzardus was not going to like this. A royal and I let her escape. The copiers start to get up as they wake from the power in my voice.

We have to get to Razzardus and fast. I should have known that no ordinary being could posses so much power.

As soon as I got to the castle the doors were opened for me. I was respected almost as much as Razzardus himself. But I wouldn't let that fool me, my power would never exceed his. That's why i came in with my head bowed in respect to our leader.

"Yes Bibby? What now?" he said in an irritated tone

"Sir I have some news" I said slightly stumbling over my words in fear of what he might do to me

"Well then spit it out Bibby, you know my patience is limited. Especially after seeing that slug Ryan actually hesitating before signing the peace treaty. How dare he? He won't be able to defeat me. No one will!" Razzardus said standing up and slamming his fist on the table in fury.

Like he just remembered Bibby he turned to the troll. "I said spit it out!" he said his voice trembling with power.

In a small voice I decided to answer. " A royal sir, a royal was spotted in this woods this morning." I almost whimpered to him

"What? Ryan is the only Royal left and soon he will be dealt with. Making me the ruler of all of Leandre" Razzardus said with a smirk " You must have been mistaken." He said waving his hand in a dismissive manner

"No sir," Bibby continued hesitantly, "she had wings."

"Wings? But that's not possible!" Razzardus said taken of guard by the new information.

"That's not all sir. She was found on the forbidden mountain and the copier protecting the portal was dead." I spit out feeling ready to cry from fear

"What?" he shouted causing the table to shake. "I believed you killed her Bibby?" he said after taking a deep calming breath

"No sir. She had help, a werewolf and an elf. They managed to disable all the copiers I had with me and escape." Bibby said already saying bye to the world. He was as good as dead.

"Ahhh!" Razzardus screamed in rage just as a maid with his afternoon tea came in. He brought up his hand and by closing it in the direction the unsuspecting elf, crushing her in her spot.

"You!" he said pointing in my direction making me cower away in fear "Go find her and kill her!" He said deathly calm

I scrambled, my legs to scared to move properly, heading to the door.

"Oh and Bibby." He said causing me to stop dead in my tracks " Don't disappoint me again." He said giving a laugh that sent chills down my spine

"Yes sir," I mumbled before heading out the door as fast as my legs could carry me.

Rey's P.O.V

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