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  • Dedicated to Helimari Kotze

The funeral of my parents was one of the most painful ordeals I had ever gone through. It was a small gathering of just a few of the people that my parents allowed close to them, Ruzanne and of course, me. But it was like the intimacy of the few people showing their respects to my parents just made the whole thing more heart-breaking. Every single person there loved my parents. I always thought of them as unsocial, but on that day I realised popularity wasn't about the amount of friends you have on Facebook, but rather the amount of hearts you truly touched.

When the time came for the graves to be lowered down I just wanted to throw myself in with them, beg them to take me with them and just to not leave me there alone. I cried my heart out on Ruzanne's shoulder.

There wasn't much time for any words to be said between the two of us these last couple of days, but even though no words were spoken, I knew that I would have never gotten through these days without her. I gave a sigh and looked up into the ominous clouds above. 'It truly is perfect whether for a funeral.' I thought grimly.

As we were driving home I thought about the last few days. I've been living with Ruzanne and her parents since my parents passed away. They were so loving and understanding, even though I barely knew them. I almost wished I could just stay. With the reading of my parents will tomorrow however, I knew that the minutes were ticking down until I had to be placed in foster care.

"Rey?" Ruzanne asked when she came into our bedroom that night.

I look up into the concerned face of Ruzanne. She has proven herself to be a true friend in these dark times. Always there with her shoulder wide open whenever I wanted to bawl my eyes out, and the last week this happened a lot. I tried to give her a smile to reassure her that I was okay.

I don't blame her for being worried. My mother always told me that my grandmother would have been so proud of me since I had a gift never to show emotion. I remember joking that she must have been a poker player then and how my mother quickly changed the subject.

I always got so annoyed when my parents made up ridiculous stories about their family or refused to tell me the truth, and now I just wished that I could hear them speak one last time. I closed my eyes tight and refused to cry again.

"Listen Rey, I won't try to act like I understand what you are going through, and I know that you have to work this through by yourself, but I want to ask you something and you have to promise me that you'll try to do this." Ruzanne said earnestly.

I really wasn't in the mood for anyone trying to make me feel better, but Zanne was there for me when I had no one. I focussed on her to show her that she had my full attention.

"You remember that first time I went to your house for a sleepover?" she asked and I just nodded.

"Well, on that day I was depressed because I dumped that scum bag of a Robbie that cheated on me. I thought that maybe I was too quick to judge him and I wanted to take him back. You told me something that day that your dad always used to tell you. 'Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.' So I decided to leave the past where it belongs. To try to move past the hurt I felt so I could be able to win some more tomorrow and barely two weeks later had he gotten Cherryl pregnant. Did you know she had a boy?" she rambled, plopping down on the bed beside me.

"Zanne" I said to bring her back to the point of her story.

"Oh, right. Sorry. My point is that I know you're hurting and that it won't go away in a weeks' time, but don't stop fighting. Live every day like it was your last and make your mom and dad proud of the women you will become." She said softly

Only she can put the word scum bag in a sentence and still make it a meaningful message.

Before the tears started to fall again I gave her a great big bear hug. "Thank you, Zanne, I really needed that" I said. Thanking her for more than her words, thanking her for every second she was there for me.

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