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10 years later

Reyna's P.O.V


I stopped dead in my tracks and looked around bewildered. Our small little living room was completely transformed. Furniture was moved, balloons and streamers were hanging from the ceiling and everywhere I turned I could see familiar smiling faces.

I quickly closed my mouth, probably looking like a fish out of water. I could feel my lips tugging upwards in a goofy grin as I slowly started to realise what my parents did.

With a small excited shriek I ran into my parents arms, hugging them tight.

"Thank you. Thank you so much mum and dad!" I said in their ears, unable to decide whether I wanted to laugh or cry at how awesome they were.

"It's only once that our baby girl turns 16," Mum said with a smile as she pulled away, "and that's why we're going to cut the cake and then disappear so you and your friends can have the house to yourself."

It was unbelievable. My parents rarely let me go out or have anyone over, so to have a house full of people for a party was just completely unheard of! Their behaviour was more than just a little odd, but I was too excited to really care.

"Really?" Ruzanne shrieked from out of nowhere.

I covered my ears to protect from the impact. Ruzanne was good at a lot of things. She was pretty, smart, athletic and, most of all, loud! I just wished I knew where the silence button was sometimes.

I met Ruzanne in karate class and hit it off a while ago; the only problem was that my parents weren't really fond of new people. They had this natural ability to attract attention where ever they went, and they hated it. Not that they were rude or anything, it was more of a privacy thing. They loved their privacy.

"Well, we thought it would be best if you could enjoy your 16th birthday with your friends. Plus, we already stole you the whole day." my dad chipped in.

That was true. I was dragged out of bed at 6 in the morning where a table full of all my favourite breakfast foods were already waiting. A day filled with laughter, sun, beach, shopping, and eating greasy foods. It was definitely a day I'll never forget.

"We'll be back by 12 baby girl. Don't do anything that we wouldn't do." My mom said with a wink after the cake was cut and they were on their way out the door. I gave them a big hug and waved at them through the window as they disappeared into the night.

As they pulled out of the driveway, I had a really bad feeling. My stomach turned and I contemplated running outside and asking my parents to stay, but I immediately dismissed the idea.

The feeling, I thought, was probably just nerves. I was having a party in my house, something I never dreamed would happen.

"Rey!" I heard Zanne call, which snapped me out of my reverie.

"I know you're new at this throwing-a-party thing, so let me give you a few tips." Ruzanne said loudly, trying to be heard over the music that was turned up.

Ruzanne was a party animal. She loved to socialise and be the centre of attention and had a reputation to uphold as the head cheerleader in Cremona private school. I listened intently to her advice.

"First, always make sure there's enough alcohol. Secondly, you can't please everybody so don't even try, and thirdly, DMD!"

"DMD?" I yelled back

"Yup! Drink, make-out, and dance! If you follow those steps you will enjoy the party, and if you enjoy the party, the other people enjoy the party! It's as simple as that."

Reyna's fairy taleWhere stories live. Discover now