aching words

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  Dylan sat still in the makeup chair, watching mindlessly as the brunette behind him messed with his hair, cold gel occasionally meeting his scalp. He sighed, staring back at himself in the mirror, the glowing bulbs on each side highlighting every inch of his face.  The people standing around him, who were now packing up their brushes and products, saw the concealer, the powder for the lights, and the chapstick. That's not what he saw.

   Dylan saw the tired eyes that had been different ever since he left. He saw the pale lips that had missed their bruised feeling from kissing her. He saw the late night bags under his eyes from missing her so much he couldn't fall asleep.

   But of course, there wasn't time to focus on that. He had an interview to do, obviously. Or, according to everyone else, something like this was a bigger priority.

  The door clicked and swung open, Dylan watching the woman behind him turn to look. He glanced to see a man with a clipboard and an earpiece, looking to both of them with urgency.

   "We're live in 30, okay? We need him on that couch."

 He left with out another word, or a response. The woman nodded and set down her brush, wiping her hands on a towel.

   "That's you." She sighed, packing up. Dylan licked his lips and nodded, standing up from his chair to leave the room. He opened the door again and looked out into the hallway, seeing the entrance for the stage. Dylan adjusted the collar of his shirt, making his way to the doorway where they would call him onto.

  "We are here in 5. 4-"




   Claps from the audience erupted, following the intro music by the man on the piano in the corner of the stage. A woman walked out in a dress with a smile, waving to the crowd. A few screams echoed and she laughed, taking her seat in a cushioned seat which sat next to a similar one with a small glass table in between.

  "Hello!" The woman said with enthusiasm that Dylan couldn't tell, if it was real or fake. Not that it really mattered at this point.

   "And- welcome, to T News where I sit here and have some interesting times with some of your favorite celebrities!"

  More screams and cheers.

"Today, take your pictures people because you'll want to remember this one! We have the Dylan O'Brien here with us, you guys! Tell me, am I the most excited person in this room!"

   Even louder screams, cheers and claps. Dylan was seconds from putting his hands over his ears.

 "Why don't we get him out here? Huh!" She laughed and waved to them, Dylan catching the signal. He took a deep breath and formed a smile on his lips as he walked out, waving to the small audience. Four cameras stood in front of them, large lights hanging from the ceiling to accentuate the colorful stage.

  Dylan's smile grew along with the cheers as he gave another wave, easily taking his seat. He looked to the woman who smiled and stuck out her hand, shaking her hand politely.

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