i hid it (stuart)

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**warning: cute **


Me and Stuart decided that we would go on a date tonight. It's been awhile with both of our busy schedules but... sometimes we managed.

"Ready to go?" I heard Stuart ask from outside the bathroom.

I finished of the last touches to my face and walked out. Stuart's eyes almost bulged out of his head, giving me the reassurance that I looked good for the date.

"You look great." Stuart said before holding out his hand. I smiled and thanked him while taking his hand.

We walked out the door to the car and drove to the restaurant. During the ride, Stuart had been constantly taking glances at me. Some faces he looked like he had a frown as he looked at me, but soon he covered it up with a smile.

We made it to dinner, ate and talked away for about an
hour and a half before leaving to go back home.

It was nice. Stuart had offered to pay tonight, he held open doors and made me feel like the best girl in the world.

As soon as we made it home, Stuart had, as usual, opened my car door. But this time, he picked me up, carrying me into the house.

I squealed and giggled as he carried me all the way up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"So, we could do this now or... we can change and then get straight to it." Stuart smirked. I contemplated.

"Change." I smiled, running to the bathroom. I could hear him groan as I shut the door, taking off my heels. I shimmied out of my dress, remembering my matching set of bra and underwear.

  I wiped the eyeshadow off my eye, leaving some mascara and the concealer I had on that was covering some small spots.

  I took a deep breath before leaving the bathroom and walking back into the bedroom. Stuart smiled at me, already undressed down to his boxers.

  He got up, running to the bathroom while I laid down on the bed.

  I could hear a lot of shuffling and banging in the bathroom. What could he possibly be doing?

  He finally came out, giving a small smile as he closed the door.

  He did a small little jog before jumping on top of me. I laughed and he quieted me by kissing me.

  I started kissing back until he pulled away, wiping his lips.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head, wiping his hand on his boxers.

"Nothing. It's just- lipgloss." He slightly laughed.

"Oh yeah. I must've forgot. I only wiped off my eyeshadow so-"

He interrupted me. "Wait, you still have makeup on?"

I nodded. "Yeah, just some-"

"Why do you makeup on? It's just me." He smiled at me.

"It's covering some spots on my face and, i don't know. I think I look better." I shrugged.

"You never have to cover up for me. I could care less if you had more spots. I love you and that means all of you. Not the... chemicals you put in your face." He said, wiping off the rest of the lipgloss with his thumb.

  I smiled. "Fine. Fine. I'll go wash it off."

"I love you." He said as I got up.

"I love you too."

I walked into the bathroom, grabbing the washcloth and wiping off everything.

  I dried off my face and my eyes went to look at my makeup.

That was gone.

"Stuart?" I asked.

"Yes?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Speaking of makeup-" I started. "Where is it?"

"I hid it." He said, as if it was simple.

"Why?" I asked, walking into the bedroom with my arms crossed.

"We just had the conversation." He smiled, siting up.

"You said I didn't need to wear around you, this doesn't mean I can't wear it anywhere else." I argued.

"Yes it does. You're beautiful and you shouldn't be wearing it at all." He said, standing up.

"Stuart..." I whined.

"Y/n." He whined back, mocking me. He walked closer to me, putting his hands on my hips.

I leaned back, my head hitting the wall.

"I'm serious." He said, leaning in.

I sighed and closed my eyes. It was almost getting too late to get to what we were doing.

I felt lips on my forehead for a spit second and I opened my eyes.

"Please? For me." He pouted, tilting his head. I rolled my eyes.

"Puppy face? Really. You gotta try a little harder, Twombly." I smirked.

He returned it. "Fine."

He grabbed me by my waist and ran to the bed, dropping me on it. I let out a squeal and Stuart threw himself on the bed. Hovering over me now, he whispered.

"Oh I intend to."

IMAGINES ⌲ dylan o'brienWhere stories live. Discover now