everyone wants my hand in marriage (thomas)

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**warning: **


Me and Thomas have been mindlessly walking around the glade, talking after dinner.

  "How's being the only girl?" He asked, throwing his arm around me while laughing. I knew he was teasing at me.

"Interesting. Since every one here wants my hand in marriage." I laughed. He laughed with me, taking his arm off my shoulder.

"And you haven't said yes?" He teased, nudging me with his elbow.

I shook my head.

"Well, I haven't really been into the guys that have asked me." I shrugged.

"So you have you're eye on someone?" He asked. Funny since it was him I've had an eye for.

"Maybe. Not that I'd tell you." I smirked, crossing my arms.

"What? Why not?" He gasped, pretending to look offended.

"Because! You tell everyone everything!" I exclaimed.

"That was one time. C'mon. At least let me guess." He suggested. I thought about it.


"Okay. Minho?"






He continued naming names, becoming more and more frustrated.

"What's he like?" He finally asked. I smiled.

"Brown hair. Brown eyes. He's strong but not enough for him to make a big deal about. Sweet..." I trailed off. He rolled his eyes.

"Well, he sounds like a jerk to me."

I busted out laughing. He just called himself a jerk.

"What? I'm serious! He's probably only doing it to get close to you. Watch out for him, y/n. You never know. There are plenty better guys here." He said, shocking himself when he said the last part.

I stopped laughing. "Oh really?"

"Well- yeah. I guess." He mumbled, kicking a rock with his shoe.

"Like who?" I continued, pressing him on.

"Um.. well, there's- Gally?" He winced at his own choice.

"Gally? The meathead that you hate?" I reminded him.

"I mean.. Maybe he's a good guy underneath all that... rude, cocky exterior. Deep. Deep down." He tried to argue.

"No. I don't know. I'm not into those guys, I guess." I shrugged, leaning against the tree we'd come near.

"Then- what guys are you into?" He wondered, leaning next to me. I turned myself on my shoulder, looking at him.

"One that knows what he's going for. Someone who's determined, someone who doesn't take no for an answer. A guy that always looks for another way. Something we all need these days I guess.." I mumbled.

"Yeah." He nodded, looking up at the sky.

"What about you?" I giggled, he looked down at me. Confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"What do you look for in a girl? Or guy, you know, I don't judge-"

"No. It girl. Definitely girl." He laughed before continuing. "Someone who's independent but doesn't shut everyone out, you know? Someone I'm close with so I could tell her anything. A girl who'd believe in me, help me."

He smiled at me, until he looked down at his shoes.

"Well, I can't wait to meet her when you find her." I gave him a small smile, feeling a little disappointed.

"I already have." He stated, looking to me.

I was shocked to say the least. He liked me? The thought on its own made me blush, next to the fact he was staring at me right now.

I might've been thinking about it too much when he suddenly got embarrassed.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. That was completely-"

"Sweet." I smiled. He calmed down, looking at me like he was earlier.

"Does this mean you like me too?" He asked.  I shrugged.

"Depends. Are you still recommending Gally to me?"

He smiled and laughed, shaking his head. "Definitely not."

"Then yes."

"Does this mean I get to kiss you whenever I want?" He smirked, leaning in.

"I don't know about whenever..." I trailed off, leaning away.

"Well good thing I don't take no for an answer." He said, referencing my speech from earlier. I let out a small laugh, leaning back in.

"Good thing." I smiled, putting my lips on his. He put his left hand on my cheek, holding me close.

"Really?! The greenie?!" I heard someone shout. We broke apart, looking at a glader who was shocked.

"Yeah that's right. And for conformation..." He trailed off, kissing me again. My eyes shot open before fluttering closed.

The glader groaned, before walking off. Probably to tell the big news.

We broke apart and I gave Thomas the 'really?' look.

"What? Now that I've got you, I have to keep you, which means fighting off guys and grievers." He joked, putting his arm over my shoulder once more.

"Whatever you say Thomas." I sighed, leaning into him.

"Grievers- I can deal with. Guys- I'm not so sure." He sighed. I laughed, pecking under his jaw.

  And we sat under the stars, like cheesy couples, because we could.

IMAGINES ⌲ dylan o'brienWhere stories live. Discover now