i would love you forever (dylan)

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**warning: moaning and kissing**


"Hey bff." I laugh into the phone. Dylan had called from filming today.

"Yeah. Hey, what's up?" He asked, giving light laugh. I shrugged, more to myself since he couldn't see.

"Nothing much. Same thing for the past week." I sighed. It's been pretty boring with out my friend Dylan.

Yeah. Friend. Not that I wouldn't love to be more, it's just he doesn't reciprocate the feelings. I think. Probably not.

"Ah, sucks. Did you get my gift?" He asked, hopeful. I got serious.

"Dyl, you shouldn't have gotten me anything. It's not even a holiday." I argued.

"No, I wanted to so get over it. So, you didn't get one? You might wanna hurry and check. It might get cold." He said.

"Why would it care if it's-" I almost finished. "Dyl. Did you get me a kitten? Cause if you did, I swear- I would love you forever." I joked, walking towards the door.

"Just open the door. And hurry." He huffed. I picked up my pace, grabbing the door handle and throwing the door open.

"Dyl, there's no-" I started to say until I looked up from the porch and at the person in front of me.

He was standing there. Live and in person.

"Dylan!" I screamed, dropping the phone to the carpet. I hopped into him, wrapping my legs around his waist as he held me up.

"Hey." He breathed into my neck. I squealed as I dropped down, pulling him into the house. He stripped off his winter coat, and shook out his hair.

"I'm not exactly a kitten but, I hope it's ok." He said, giving me his award-winning smile.

"This is even better." I smiled, still excited. I walked into my living room and sat on the couch, Dylan following.

"What brings you here, stranger?" I giggle. He shrugs.

"Just here to see my favorite person." He says nervously, leaning back into the couch.

"Aw so sweet." I laughed, tilting my head. He smiled and looked at his lap and back up to me.

"Seriously, though. You don't just fly back 6 hours just to see me." I joked, putting my feet under me to sit on them. I leaned on the couch, looking at Dylan.

"Well, sort of." He said, looking away.

"Well come on, buddie. Spit it out." I laugh, scooting a little closer.

A frown appeared on his face, as he kept looking at the wall in from of him.

He looked up at me, before asking. "Why do you call me that?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Um... well mostly because we're friends." I said, laughing a little.

"That's it? Just friends." He mumbled to himself, putting his head in his hands.

"Well, specifically best friends but maybe that was more retorical-"

I was interrupted by Dylan turning his head and smashing his lips to mine.

My eyes shot open before closing themselves, joining in. I let my lips run against his, putting my hands on his neck. His hands found their way to my face, holding it closer to his.

He leaned closer, causing my back to hit the couch cushion, to lay back. He crawled over me, put his hands next to my head to keep himself over me and not on me.

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