describe eachother in one word

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this is for @averie_stilinski

   Averie's POV

"Welcome! Today we have Hollywoods cutest couple, Dylan O'Brien and his girlfriend, Averie!"

  I smiled at Dylan as we walked on the stage, hand in hand.

  "Thank for having us!" Dylan beamed as we sat down on a couch, facing a crowd and multiple cameras.

  "Thanks for joining us! Now, tell us, how long have you two been together?" The interviewer asked, looking between both of us.

"It's been about three and a half years?" Dylan estimated, nodding afterwards. The interviewer touched where her heart would be.

"That's amazing! How has it been?" She shrugged.

"Well, it's been great. There's no one else I'd rather be with." I smiled. I looked up at Dylan who was smiling at me.

  When I looked back at the interviewer, he pecked my cheek, sending the crowd into an applause frenzy.

  "Aw! Anyways- it's time for our Twitter question of the day! This one says 'if you could describe each other with one word, what would it be'?"

  My brain scrambled as I tried to think of a word, until Dylan spoke.


I quirked an eyebrow, questioning his word choice.

  "How so?" The interviewer pressed on.

"I can't get enough of her. Even though it's been so long, I'm still learning about her, I'm still falling more and more in love. I can't let her go, I'd lose my mind." Dylan spoke, putting his arm around my shoulders. I blushed at his words, moving closer to his body.

  "And you, Averie?"

I thought a little more before speaking. "Unbelievable."

  "Really?" The interview asked, slightly tilting her head.

  "Dylan could have the worst day in the world, whether he was just grumpy or he was in a bad attitude- he still manages to come home and ask how my day was and comfort me. He always passes my expectations, and does the sweetest things for me."

  Dylan gave my waist a slight squeeze, rubbing small circles through my skirt.

  "Sweet things? Explain!" She asked, getting excited.

  "Well, to start off- I love scavenger hunts. But, I told Dylan this, maybe years before our anniversary. As a surprise, he took me on a scavenger hunt, with little notes leading to a candle-lit dinner of my favorite food." I nodded.

"Nice Dylan." The interviewer laughed, nodding.

  "She deserves the best. I'm going to give it to her." Dylan said, keeping his eyes on me.

I leaned in and pecked his lips, only keeping mine on his for a couple seconds.

  "Well, it's official people! They really are the cutest couple!" She said, throwing her arms in the air.

  She signed off her show and the camera lights all shut off, and the crowd began to get up.

  "It was great meeting you two." The interviewer said before leaving us.

  We both got up and walked towards our makeup room, where my bag and his stuff was.

  "I meant what I said." He spoke up, shutting the door. I spun around and smiled, nodding.

  "I know." I said, before I did again. "I love you."

  He grinned, walking towards me. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arm around me, leaning in.

  "I love you too."

He met our lips and moved one hand on my cheek, keeping my lips on his.

   And I couldn't imagine it being anyone else.

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