we have to find her (stiles)

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**warning: uh none **

~3 hours ago~

Y/n's POV

"You just let her do it! It pisses me off how happy you look when she looks at you, talks to you, or even touches you!" I screamed at Stiles.

He rolled his eyes. "Y/n, get over it! Just cause Malia is appreciative, doesn't mean she's trying to get into my pants!"

"Stiles, stop sticking up for her! You know what she's doing, but you like it! You just won't admit!" I yelled, frustrated.

I couldn't believe me and Stiles were having this argument. Malia was obviously taking a liking towards him and he was obviously enjoying it.

"Why are you acting like this?! All of a sudden, you're so clingy and jealous all the time!" Stiles screamed, shoving his fingers through his hair.

My mouth stayed open, like a fish holding out for air. Was I being clingy? No, Malia was all over him and he knew it.

I finally found my words. Probably words that I never thought I'd say.

"Fine. Tired of clingy? Ok. Bye Stiles and never talk to me again." I said bitterly, my teeth clenched. My eyes started to water but I couldn't show him that what I meant wasn't really what I wanted.

"Fine. Fine, y/n. It's not like I cared anyway. Maybe Malia was right. I never should've liked you in the first place." Stiles scoffed, walking upstairs.

I felt my heart drop in my stomach, tears now willingly falling from my eyes. I was sobbing now and my breathing was quick and difficult.

I couldn't think. I couldn't move. My feet wouldn't walk towards the door. I tried and tried until they eventually separated from the ground and to the door. I opened it, stepped outside, and dialed for a hotel. There was no way I was staying here.


I walked into the hotel room and flopped down onto the full bed in the middle of the room. My eyes were dry. I'd cried all the way here, and had to quickly compose myself for the front desk.

I didn't like this one bit, but I couldn't stay with Stiles. He didn't want me. He wanted Malia. As much as I knew Stiles would've been the one to break up with me, I didn't think this was the cause.

This cause. This stupid cause.
So what, Malia becomes nice? Is that such a bad thing?

Actually yes. She's always been very stoic, so why now? And why with my boyfri- with Stiles. At least, I don't think he's my boyfriend anymore. Is he? Was he just caught up in the argument when he said what he did? Did I just egg him on?

I decided that I was going back, to confirm what we were. I walked out of the hotel, the only thing I noticed was the lamp. It was around eight-thirty when I left.

I began walking, walking faster when I heard the same noise. The rustling of some bushes. Heavy breathing. I slowly turned around to check, I was met with a tall figure and when I went to scream, a clawed hand covered my mouth.

"Now now, y/n. You wanna call for help? Sure. Call Scott and Stiles, and tell them to come get you and the address I tell you. Oh, and if you don't I'll kill you and... how about the rest of your little clique too?"

Stiles POV

Y/n had left, and probably left for good and it was all my fault. I called Scott over as soon as I heard the front door slam. I was still teary-eyed when he walked in. He pulled me in for a hug and I let it all out again.

Now, we'd been sitting in silence in my room. I sat thinking about y/n, where she'd be.

Then, my phone buzzed, her face popping up on the screen. I jumped for my phone and answered.

"Oh, y/n baby, please I didn't mean it. I was just caught up, and you were righ-"

"Stiles?" She interrupted, in a raspy voice. She had been crying and I knew why. That hurt.

"Yes y/n, I'm here. And I was gonna say-" I started when she interrupted again.

"Stiles, please. Just listen. I- you need to come to this address. W-with Scott and he won't hurt us. He- he promised." She started crying.

"What? Who? Who won't hurt us?" I rushed.

"I.. I don't know. But he has claws." She whispered at the end, and that's when I heard on her line the man that must've taken her.

"Hey, Stiles. How are you? I've heard not so great ever since you kicked out y/n. Anyways, I need you and Scott at the address in about half an hour. Or else, she dies."

"Listen here," I stated, tears rolling down my cheeks. ", if you hurt her we will kill you. Twice. Three. Four times over-"

"Stiles, listen to this." He growled, before I heard y/n scream. My stomach lurched in my throat and my eyes got big.

"Now. Do. It." And the phone cut off.

I was frozen. I could feel Scott shaking me.

"Stiles? Stiles! Let's go!"

I shook my head of all the scenarios running through my head. Was she dead? Was she bit?

Me and Scott ran downstairs, looking for something we could track her scent with. We headed to the jeep and as I drove, he inhaled the smell of her favorite coat.

(To be continued)

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