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"Ooooh girl how much do I owe you? This is fire!", Lex touches her fresh new weave and I smile.

"The usual", I respond. She looks at me and raises her eyebrow.

"But honey you did more than you do all the time. It took more time. You sure the usual?", I nod my head yeah while cleaning up and she digs in her purse. She hands me 200 dollars.

"I'll go get your change. Hang tight", i go to walk off and she stops me.

"That's for you, I'll see you in two months.", She hugs me and I pocket the money. Tia the owner walks up to me and smiles.

"I'm so glad you work in here. You've been pulling a lot of business in. I'm proud of ya girl. Just a little sad that you're gonna have to leave us in a few months.",

"I know T. I'm sad to this shop is everything to me. But don't worry I'll make sure to come back and visit.", I assure her. The bell to the door rings and she smiles.

"Just know that you'll always have a chair in my shop. Hi welcome to Tia's.", she walks off greeting a customer and I smile to myself.

It's good to know you'll have something to fall back on if your career doesn't succeed. I'm going to college to be a nurse. Mom thought I should just stay with hair , but this is just my hobby.

"Aniya this is Arianna. Her and her uncle heard a few good words about you.", I look up and see Juno. He looks shocked and so do I.

"Um.. Hey how are you?"? I ask Juno. Tia looks between us and smiles.

"You guys know each other?", she asks.

"Yeah ... we do. ", Juno answers smiling. I smile back at him and Tia winks her eye at me and walks off. A few women around the shop are eyeing him. Alicia a co worker and friend of mine smiles at me.

"Oh my god you have beautiful hair. What do you want done to it?", I ask Arianna. I lift her up in the seat and Juno sits in a seat next to her.

"I want.. curls.", she answers shyly. She is too cute. Juno looks at Arianna and she puts her hand over her face.

"What's wrong?", I ask her. She starts giggling and Juno chuckles.

"Now just in the car she talking about she want half curls and half a bun or ponytail. I don't know nothing about hair.", he rolls his eyes at her and she giggles again.

"Okay so do you want it half curled then a pony tail at the top that comes down with curls or do you want a bun at the top?", I ask her. She weighs her options then looks up at me.

"The ponytail... is it gonna take long?", she asks being serious. I laugh at her and shake my head no.

"I promise it won't take long.", Arianna nods and I cover her clothes up and start doing her hair. "So how did you find out about me?", I ask Juno starting a conversation.

"Regina.. I don't remember her last name. She has about three kids and you do her hair. Short little skinny lady.", he described.

"Oh Gina Gina . I know who you're talking about. She came here a few weeks ago. ", I tell him. He nods and I can feel him staring at me from the side. I look over for a while and can't help but to smile. Juno is honestly a fine mixed boy. He look like he could be fully white and I don't have a taste for white boys. But for him.. I'll make a change. He's not the ordinary light mixed boy. "What?", I ask him.

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