Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"Hello Ronald," I sighed.

"You've been playing me the whole time?" he asked angrily.

"Seems like I was," I said.

"Even when you said you loved me... it was all a lie, and even worse I fell for it! You cheated on me with Malfoy? You can do better than him!" he snarled.

"No Ron, he can do better than her, if you'll believe it," Potter sneered.

"Hey, watch yourself!" Mikey yelled angrily.

"She's way out of my league," Draco said coldly, drawing me even closer, if possible.

"She's a slut, but then again, so are you," Weasley glared.

"Watch it Weasley, or you'll have me to deal with!" Mikey snapped.

"Calm down," Mrs. Weasley begged us.

"Oh God, and I kissed you," Weasley moaned.

"Unfortunately," I said, feeling rather unbothered by the whole situation.

"I'm surprised you didn't puke," Pansy smirked at me.

"Pansy, Leah, behave!" mum snapped.

"Well at least I'm not sleeping with half the school," Weasley glared. I laughed coldly and Draco chuckled as well.

"Whatever you say, blood traitor," I shrugged and spines straightened all around the room.

"Alright you guys, it's time to stop," mom said firmly. 

"Leah, you were always just a replacement," Weasley rolled his eyes, but I knew it was a lie.

"Actually Ronald, you were my rebound. Whenever I wasn't with Draco, I was with you, but to be honest, you weren't even the second best," I shrugged.

"Who was?" Pansy asked curiously.

"Blaise," I admitted with a small smile.

"I don't blame you," she smirked.

"Ariana was right..." Potter breathed, but I heard him.

"You knew about Ariana?" I snapped, sharply turning my head towards him. He nodded stiffly and Draco stiffened. I untangled myself from his arms and pulled out my wand.

"What else do you know then?" I asked, my skin feeling burning hot.

"You're a death eater!" he glared, and then pulled me towards him, shoving my left sleeve up. When he saw my pale, clear skin, I twisted my arm and pushed him away.

"That's where Ariana was wrong!" I hissed, and I looked up to see Dumbledore watching curiously. It looks like he's heard that whole conversation as well.

"Ms. Loveland, please, where is she?" he practically begged.

"Like I said, I don't know," I shrugged, coolly turning away to head down to the Quidditch pitch.


I was standing by the entrance to the maze and Potter and I thankfully came to an agreement; we'd help each other one last time. He was glaring at me strongly, but I ignored it. Barty was speaking to him and Severus slid his hand over my shoulder. He'd been standing with me.

"You'll do fine, it isn't that hard," he snorted.

"I know," I nodded.

"Your father will be proud," he said and I smiled.

"You have no idea," I whispered.

Dumbledore started yapping about how we'd face all this dangerous crap, blah, blah whatever, I don't really care.

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