Chapter Thirty-Six

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November 20th

"Harry, how are we going to get past dragons?" I moaned after closing the millionth book I've read about dragons.

"I dunno, Leah. We have to get past them though, we've just got to," he sighed.

"Hagrid wants to take us for another look at the dragons," Weasley said.

"Right, let's go," I said and looked at the night sky. So far, being apart from Draco really kills me because he seems to have every girl in the whole school bewitched. They all swoon over him! It's like they've all taken a love potion. I catch him looking at me every once and a while, but each time he does, he just smirks and pulls another one of his girl toys over.  

"It's a good thing I wore a sweatshirt," I growled as we stepped outside. 

"Sorry, I didn't realize it'd be this cold," Weasley smiled sheepishly. I gave him a warm smile and made my eyes flash pink before resuming the purple I've grown accustomed to.

"It's fine Ron," I said, making my gaze capture his, and then hesitantly looking away. He shivered and I smirked.

"Cold?" I asked, though he definitely wasn't under his t-shirt, sweatshirt, and jacket.

"Not exactly," he blushed and I winked.

"Ugh, stop excessively flirting," Potter gagged.

"Shut it, Harry," I laughed and Weasley scowled hatefully at him.

"There yeh are!" Hagrid smiled as we came up to his hut.

"Here I am!" I smiled and he chuckled.

"Okay, let's go," he said, waving for us to follow. We came to a clearing and I looked over the dragons. One was definitely a Hungarian Horntail, and the other a Welsh Greenback, but the others I didn't know.

"Hagrid, what's that one?" I asked, pointing to a silvery green one with a very dangerous appearance. It seemed to have two horns on its head, spikes all along his long tail, very armored scales, and lethal-looking teeth; much sharper and longer than the others.

"Tha' is a Peruvian Vipertooth," he said with a frown.

"Quite poisonous and very dangerous; you educated bout the Horntails?" he asked and I nodded.

"Even more vicious than tha'," he nodded solemnly and I sighed.

"Let's hope Fleur gets that one," I said seriously.

"Leah, that's mean," Potter scolded.

"I really don't like her," I moaned. Weasley snickered and I smirked.

"Come on, we need you well rested," Weasley said, turning around. We walked back up to the castle and I went to bed, avoiding Draco's gaze as I sauntered into the common room. He was sitting with Clarissa Moon again.


November Twenty Third

The first task is tomorrow. 

"Morning," Blaise yawned.

"Morning," I said quickly.

"Are you nervous Leah?" Pansy asked worriedly.

"Yes... I just think that once I actually get to the task, I'll be fine. The anticipation is what's killing me," I said, sitting on the couch.

"You're gonna do great!" Blaise smiled and I gave him a thankful smile back.

"Thanks, Blaise, I needed that," I said.

"Leah, how are you?" Clarissa asked, trying to seductively walk down the stairs, then realized Draco wasn't here.

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