Chapter Six

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"You upset her!" Pansy glared, looking at the door Leah just walked out of.

"I upset her? You played a part in this as well," Draco sneered.

"Time is up, bottle your potions," Snape called from the front of the room.

"She has to be lying," Blaise rolled his eyes.

"I've known her my entire life. If she was lying she has a damn good reason," Pansy crossed her arms.

"Maybe she has a crush on you, Pans," Draco smirked.

"Draco, shut the fuck up, it isn't funny."

"He could be right, Pansy," Blaise shrugged.

"Leah doesn't like anybody. She's never shown real interest in someone before. If she's ever flirted it's fake; she flirts to get what she wants. There's no way she's crushing on me, of all people."

"Maybe that's why she didn't smell anything," Blaise looked at Draco.

"No. Everyone should smell something regardless of whether or not they've liked someone before."

"She smelled a hint of something," Pansy reminded them.

"So she's a freak," Blaise shrugged and Pansy turned red. Before she could say anything, however, a shadow fell over them.

"I suggest you all head to your next class and stop concerning yourselves over something that was obviously a failed potion," Snape said, looking down at them.

"Yes professor," Draco said smoothly, grabbing his bag and heading out the door. Blaise shrugged and followed suit while Pansy angrily gathered her things.

"Miss Parkinson you would do well to drop the subject," Snape said just before she left. She looked over her shoulder with a frown but nodded. Snape looked down at the potion vial Leah turned in as Pansy left and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.


"So, how are we getting Fenrir the potion?" Pansy asked, sitting next to me in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I looked over at her, scanning her expression for any sign that she would bring up me not being able to smell the potion. She didn't seem like she was going to.

"I'm not sure," I shrugged after a few moments.

"Well, your parents used to be Death Eaters. I'm sure you have a connection somewhere," she said.

"I only know of the Malfoy's and Severus," I shrugged. I knew, however, that I could persuade Barty to give Fenrir the potion.

"Leah," someone cleared their throat and I looked away from Pansy to see Potter standing in front of us with his two side kicks.

"Hey Harry," I smiled warmly and Pansy wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright," he shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh, yeah, thank you," I nodded.

"And Claire?" he asked.

"She's holding up. Might need a friend to talk to in the common room though," I smiled sadly.

"Hermione would be good at that," Potter looked over at her and she nodded slowly.

"I don't mind speaking to her if she needs someone to confide in," she said.

"Thanks guys," I said and they smiled, heading over to their seats after saying their goodbyes.

"I cannot believe you got them to trust you so quickly," Pansy shook her head.

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