Chapter One

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Hi guys! For those who do not know this story was taken down back in 2016. It was set to be rewritten but unfortunately, that project was never finished. Since I already had some of the rewrite posted, I will keep that up. The original story starts Chapter 11 if you want to skip all of this and just read what I had up at the start. If you want to read what the rewrite could have been, then keep on reading! 


"Pass it over," Pansy Parkinson held her hand out, not looking up from her book. I threw her a cool glare and she winced before giving me a sheepish smile. I grabbed the lemonade pitcher and passed it to her, looking back at my book. My summer tutoring sessions were over for the season and I now had time to hang out with my best friend. See, my parents won't allow me to go to Hogwarts, I have to be homeschooled, but they do have the Parkinson's over quite often. Pansy is my only connection to the world of Hogwarts. She often gossips about the latest and greatest going on with Harry Potter and all of her Slytherin's. I would be in Slytherin if I could attend Hogwarts. However, my parents are ex death eaters and too afraid of Voldemort's return. They have my sister and I housebound.

"You know, I don't see why we call this fiction. All of this could happen. We're wizards," Pansy made a gesture towards me with her book. We were reading the story of a dark wizard taking over the entire world. It's older fiction, written far before Voldemort was born. This was probably written during Marvolo Gaunt's childhood.

"It's realistic fiction," I took a sip of lemonade.

"Realistic fiction?"

"Of a sort," I sighed, pushing my sunglasses up on top of my head.

"Well the day I see you take over the world, I'll believe that this is realistic fiction. Fucking dark wizards," she pulled her tank top off and wiggled out of her shorts.

"Let's go swimming, I'm sweating like a pig," she said and I nodded, shimmying out of my sun dress.

"Miss Loveland," a familiar voice drawled and Pansy rolled her eyes, quickly diving into the pool. I turned around and frowned, seeing Uncle Severus walking toward me in his classic black.

"I thought our summer session was over? Fall tutoring doesn't begin until September."

"You are correct. I'm simply here to bring you this," he handed me a letter and I raised an eyebrow.

"You an owl now, Uncle Sev?"

"Hardly," he smirked and I flipped over the letter to see the Hogwarts seal. I looked up at him curiously and he just nodded towards the letter. I ripped it open and began reading it, my heart beating rapidly.

Miss Leah Loveland,

It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been registered to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As it is your fourth year of schooling, but first year at Hogwarts, we ask that you arrive a day early to set your affairs in order. We wish you a happy summer and will see you September 1st.


Albus Dumbledore.

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