Chapter Twenty-One

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 "Alright, so how are we going to trick him into taking the potion?" Pansy asked as we walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Charms breezed by, seeing as I already knew most of the material. Pansy and Draco were split up from me because we had to sit with the other Ravenclaws. I was unfortunately partnered with a quiet girl named Cho. We entered Moody's classroom and took our seats towards the back again.

"Well, he knows I kick ass in potions, so maybe I could tell him I made him a special potion... I got it! I'll tell him it's a potion I created for werewolves. I'll say it keeps your animalistic urges down and you can think more clearly when it comes to the important stuff. He always complains his hunger for flesh distracts him," I smiled.

"That could most definitely work," Draco said, nodding his head. I smirked and looked at Pansy. She was writing in a notebook.

"Oooh, is this Pansy's diary?" I asked with a smug look. She scowled at me before closing the notebook.

"No, it is not, I'm writing down the details of this plan. The important ones that we can't forget. Now, when are we giving him this alleged werewolf potion?" She asked.

"I'll write to my father and have him call a meeting. We will meet in the Forbidden Forest. How about...this Saturday around midnight?" I asked, lowering my voice as a group of Gryffindor's walked by.

"Leah, that potions really strong, I can still smell it," Pansy said, leaning towards me. I pushed her back and she smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, but we need it to be really strong so he'll fall hard. He hates me, so this is a great way to get revenge," I said.

"Bet you this is torture for Draco darling," Pansy smirked. I looked at her in confusion and she sighed.

"If the love potion smells like you, and you're wearing the love potion, its double trouble," she explained. I looked down at the vial I made into a necklace and held it. The vial rested just below my collar bone.

"Hey, I'm right here," he said, annoyed.

"Well, is it double trouble?" I asked, narrowing my eyes when I saw how close we were.

"Um...a bit," he admitted. He looked a little embarrassed when he realized how close we were.

"Hey, Leah, are you alright?" I heard a semi-familiar voice ask. I looked up and saw Longbottom standing awkwardly in front of us.

"Oh, hi Neville. Uh, yes, I'm alright...thanks," I said, managing a smile. I heard Pansy snicker beside me and I elbowed her. Neville looked at me and beamed before shaking his head and walking off, throwing another smile in my direction.

"Oh, you are a heartbreaker!" Pansy laughed as she watched Neville stare dreamily into the distance.

"The sooner I get this off me the better," I scowled. Draco laughed and snaked his arm around my waist.

"Calm down, Ms. Gryffindor," he teased. I groaned and looked over to the doors which were opening. The trio walked in and smiled at me. I nudged Draco off and scowled at him. 

"Anyone smell cinnamon?" the Weasel asked.

"No...I smell mint," Potter said. Pansy was unsuccessfully trying to hide her hysterics, but they didn't notice.

"Leah, what's that around your neck?" Granger asked, trying not to lean in. 

"Revenge," I smiled and she looked at me, her brow furrowed.

"It looks like some sort of potion. Please don't tell me you're going to do something horrible to Greyback. Is that...the draught of death?" She asked uneasily.

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