Chapter Twenty

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 Leah P.O.V

"Leah...Leah...LEAH!" someone yelled, pulling me out of my dreamless sleep. I opened my eyes and saw Pansy hovering over me, her eye brows raised.

"How could you possibly fall asleep in that position?" she asked, shaking her head. 

"I don't know," I mumbled. Pansy smiled a little before pulling me to my feet.

"Well, get up! You're gonna be late!" she scolded. I looked at her and saw that she was fully dressed, her hair done in a bun, and her make up was done. I don't care what anyone else thinks, Pansy is pretty.

"Shit, where is everyone?" I asked. I realized I must have fallen asleep in the common room.

"Breakfast," she said as if I should have known, "I'll wait for you!" she called as I ran up the stairs to the dorms. As I did, somebody stumbled out of their room and collided with me, knocking me to the ground.

"Watch it!" I yelled and I heard Pansy laugh.

"Sorry!" Draco snapped. He looked up and sighed.

"Good morning, Leah... did you fall asleep in the common room?" He asked, seeing my clothes from yesterday and probably the scariest hair, ever.

"Um...well, yes. Don't stare at me, I look horrible," I said with a laugh as I darted into my dorm. I threw my old clothes off and put on my Hogwarts skirt. I had on a white shirt and my Slytherin tie hanging loosely around my neck. I slipped on some high heels and wiped off yesterday's eyeliner, putting on my new charcoal colored one instead. I threw my hair into a bun and changed my eyes to a clear blue. 

"Hm, not bad for a girl who rushed," Pansy approved.

"Not bad?" I snorted, "I look hot." We both laughed and ran out of the common room. In the rush, I forgot about Claire, about sitting with Potter, last night, and pretending to hate my fellow Slytherin's. We stormed into the Great Hall, and I remembered everything as Potter ran over. Pansy instantly dropped my hand which she was dragging me by and glared before walking away. When Potter turned to look at me, Pansy sent me a wink and I smiled.

"Morning," I said, trying to smile at him. He pulled me into a hug and I froze.

"I'm so sorry about Claire... and the detention. Mostly Claire," he fumbled.

"It-its okay, Claire um, Claire's... she's..." I stuttered, making myself cry. 

" she alright?" he asked, concern taking over his features. I shook my head and he exhaled sharply.

"Is she dead?" he whispered. I nodded and he led me over to the Gryffindor table.

"Leah, we are so sorry!" Granger gushed as soon as I sat down.

"Guy's it's alright...we never got along in the first place," I sighed.  They all sent me sympathetic looks and kind words. Dumbledore stood up and I looked over at him suspiciously. He was looking in my direction with a frown. One of those pitying frowns. 

"It has been brought to my attention that last night a tragic incident occurred. One of our very own students, Claire Loveland, was kidnapped," he announced as gasps filled the hall. As it simmered down, he continued.

"Now, this is a very sad event, and I send my sympathy to Ms. Leah Loveland, who is probably suffering a great deal," he said and every pair of eyes in the damn hall turned towards me. In the silence, Moody limped up to Dumbledore and whispered in his ear. Dumbledore looked shocked and sad, with a hint of anger. He nodded sharply and looked at me. I inclined my head as if to say 'yes' because I knew what he'd just been told.

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