chapter 30

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Alex's POV.

The doctors come in and tell me and Madison to leave.

Me: Im not leaving Sarahs side!

Doctor: Well then Madison needs to go.

Austin: Come on. Me, Robert, and Madison will go wait in the waiting room. Text me when shes awake.

They leave. Sarah is so beautiful when shes asleep. I take her hand and get somfy on the chair. Next thing I know im asleep.

The dream started out great. Me and Sarah were making out on her bed. She kept saying my name. "Madison" Wait! Thats not my name! Next thing I know the scene changed and Madison and Sarah were at the coffee shop getting their drinks holding hands and making out. I woke up screaming. Sarah was still asleep. I shook her awake.

Sarah's POV.

I woke up to someone screaming. I realized it was Alex. He was crying.

Me: Alex! Whats wrong babe?!

Alex: I had a nightmare. You were cheating on me with Madison. 

Me: That would NEVER happen.

I was comforting him now. Austin and Robert came in with a teddy bear and a dozen red roses for me.

*The next day*

I got to go home today. Before we left the hospital Vinny came in and apologized for Madisons behavior. So he invited them to the carnival because it was there last day in town. They decided to go to the hotel then meet them there. 

*At the carnival* 

Madison: Hey Sarah wanna go on the ferris wheel?

Me: Sure why not?

Alex was close behind us making sure Madison didnt do anything. Me and Madison got on the same cart and Alex got on the one behind us.

We stopped at the top. It looked so beautiful out. The sun was about to set in 20 minutes.

Me: Its so beautiful up her!

Madison: I know it is. But not as beautiful as you.

He leaned in for a kiss and I stopped him right away. 

Me: Im with Alex! 

Madison: He doesnt have to know.

Just then the ride was over and I hurried up and got off that stupid farris wheel. Alex and Madison were close behind me.

Alex: Really Madison?! You tried kissing my girl!

Madison: Yeah I did. What you gonna do about it?!

Before they started fighting I took Alex's hand and we walked away drifting off into the sunset.

*The next day*

Me and Alex decided to go to the airport with the boyz. Before they got on their plane Madison gave Sarah his number. Before Sarah could read it Alex took it and threw it away.

Alex: You dont need to go through this again.

Me: Agreed.

We walked hand in hand to our car. Once we got home I wasnt expecting what I saw at my doorstep. 

Its about to get real juicy. Hope you guys like it! Please comment,. (:

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