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Kabir asked Kritika that can she be available for a ride.

Kabir's POV-

I drove my car out from the parking lot and made my way to the hotel that I was staying in....yesterday was hell of a day which was followed up by this morning. I had to leave her apartment
as soon as I can, I felt like my likings
towards were increasing in too much of
a rapid pace that it was beginning to
frighten me, a girl has never had this
sort of an affect on me, it would help if
she wasn't that bloody beautiful. I
absolutely am attracted to her, not just
looks wise, but her witty, kind
personality too. I mean I don't know
much about her, but that is what makes me want to discover more and more about her. But honestly I am slightly scared but something in my heart keeps urging me to be with her which only means one thing...I like her. Like as in I want to date her sort of like, but I wouldn't want to embarrass myself,
what if she would think I am weird. I
guess I have to play it cool; maybe I am
going a little too fast, but I feel like I
shouldn't waste this opportunity to woo
this amazingly stunning girl - that is

As soon as I entered my room, my
phone beeped indicating that I got a
message... I looked at who it was from
and I couldn't help but plaster a huge
grin on my face.

Reached? :)

I sent her back a message with

Yeap home sweet home...I mean
room sweet room :)

That was quite bad :p

Yep...but I tried.

Soo...tomorrow is the hearing,excited?

Well...I do need some rest but I 'm not
that excited...but why do you think I will br excited,its like death or survival... and u?

Naa..Don't worry,I'll help to escape this shit and I don't really have rest these
days...its always cases and more
Cases :p

Well enjoyed the drive?

But tryna drive slow a bit!
Shall we explore the city of Mumbai?. ..I think
if we do that... :P and a coffee sounds
good :)

Great. :) and Yeah roaming around
Mumbai suddenly seems like a bad
idea :P just imagine what everyone will think of us...


Kabir: I '11 see u at court in a
few hours. ..bye Peda .')

Kritika's POV-
Peda_this gave me goosebumps and I replied him,


Kabir's POV-
Well she remembers Modak?

Both of them slept with the memories of their childhood!

But next day was the day of judgement.

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