Probability check!

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Kabir was driving his car and heading towards his home.

He rekindled all his memories of his excellency in the company.

Now he just prayed that he wanted a reason to stay here so that he could avoid his marriage at any cost.

He received a call.

It was a private number on call,

He was distracted,many a times.

Always he picked up the call he used to get no response from the opposite side.

On other side,

Kritika was in her cabin filing some paper,entered Kunal in a huff.

Kritika got up and said Kunal you?

Yes,Kritika shshh..please keep quite I'm here to apologize whatever happened that day!

Kunal...please I'm not interested to talk to you and please I beg you go out from here or else I'll make the security throw you out.

Kunal came and placed his hands on her shoulder and made her sit on the lounge comfortably.

Listen..Listen..listen to me once lemme clear all your misconceptions.

Look I'm not that kind of guy,who'll turn possessive towards you,and will seek revenge for your dismissal.


Just a second,lemme finish first.

Look,I didn't intend to hurt your sentiments and insult your family.
And you wonder why the fuck? I would insult my best friend's family?
Isn't it lame? Look that day after your rejection for the proposal,I was literally not in my senses I don't understand why did I just raised the question on our friendship,I really brought our friendship on rocks! 2 decades of friendship and I thought that maybe you'll never mind being in relationship or getting hitched to me?
That one thought made me insane and I couldn't bare your rejection so that night my mind turned negative and I came with an intention to call off your engagement.How whiskey can totally ruin off ones mind,I understood it!

Kunal,I appreciate your honesty and whatever you did was absolutely biased,whoever on your shoes will be thinking the same,you did no wrong.
Even I love you dearly,but since I gave a commitment to my parents regarding Kabir I can't back out now.
That day when I was about to say you yes,I received a call from mom saying that Bhai and Bhabhi are very serious and they are bleeding profusely after a major car accident,so simply without saying anything I escaped the situation,I know whatever I did was absolutely wrong,but the circumstances compelled me to do so.

Kritika,I never interfered in your private life whatever I knew was only you and your family.I never tried to stalk you anyway,I loved you so nor I'm interested in your personal life so I gave you space to be yourself.Nevertheless I didn't expect anything from you,nor did I wanted you to love me back! I will love you unconditionally no matter what,from moon and back!

Kunal,I too dearly love you not for not that I've known you for so long,just for that You're the one who have understood what exactly are my dreams and goals.You're the equal contributor to what I'm today! You helped me on every step,to every fall I saw your hand extended towards me,with every success I received first your compliment with every failure I received your guidance.
Maybe I'm lucky enough to get such a friend like you but maybe your future partner is the most luckiest woman on this planet to get you as her soul mate.
Maybe we're are not written together in fate but surely in the next recarnation we'll be together.

Kritika,I know that now nothing can be done like you're engaged but I'll keep loving you.You're my first crush,and my only first love.Since childhood you've been a strong pillar to me no matter what! You say I'm your well-wisher but inturn you're my well-wisher.
As if you haven't contributed in making and shaping up my career.I feel so proud to be your friend,nevet have I kept touch with any of my school friends but from kindergarten to middle-school to high-school and through every walks of life,you've just been selfless and have supported me.
Maybe Kabir had did some good work in his past life,to get you as his wife,Maybe he's lucky in this life to get you.You have a great support in my life as you've made an average sober student to a successful CS.I always carried a pride on my sleeves of being an MLA's son,dad always made me feel like one,but when he lost elections back to back,his reputation declined and he then shifted me to a government school.
Where I met you,where our fights turned into a good friendship,but this decades of friendship had turned into love and now finally I was friendzoned by you!
I will love you till you finally become Mrs.Raichand.


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