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Kabir,Abhijeet and Meera sit on the couch with a cup of tea.

Abhijeet says,

Kabir look,I know you are innocent but look you are a male and she's a female,look everything happens with a guy is normal and is at times ignored,but if something happens to a female no matter what a male gets defamed.Look with no hesitation,tell me each and everything every single minute detail may it be important or not let it be you've to tell,you may start.

Everything started when I was 16,
I started with my high school in Leeds,I met Alisha Swamynarayan in my class.Like she was very beautiful,tall and rich.Alisha was not a typical tamil girl,she had long wavy locks,she was fair,brown hazel eyes and pink coloured lips that could take anyone's heart!
Every guy wanted to date her,either me.Alisha befriended me and took all the notes she missed out.Slowly and gradually we became good friends.We started hanging out,spending time together,partying together,late night studies,we also at times weng for dinners and lunches.
The most awaited d-day when during the college fest,Alisha got down on knees and proposed me,when a girl can do such gesture I melted down.We soon got into relationship.After the end of high school I moved to Griffith University in London to do my engineering.Alisha and I were together there too,we were now like inseparable part of lives,almost 4 years of engineering and 2 years of high school we were almost on the verge to get married but we required parents consent so I eagerly waited for the convocation to happen!
But deep in my heart I really wanted to pursue a career ahead and wanted to do masters in it.


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