I'll be your savior.

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Now it had been almost three months after Nitara and Nikhil's wedding.

Now hardly any months were left for Kabir and Kritika's wedding.

Kritika returned to her homeland but this time she was not single,but in relationship with Kunal.

Nitara busted like hell on Kritika,for not attending her wedding.

Things weren't working well between Kabir and Alisha,past made an impact on their current lives.

Alisha started being insecure and started being too much possessive with him,Kabir didn't entertain it.

Now,their relationship was on rocks.

Alisha plotted to take revenge from him,for this she made a plan to sue Kabir.

That evening,

At 8,
Alisha ranged up to Kabir's Juhu residence.

They had planned to meet up and have a chat over the relationship problems that they were facing.

Kabir brought two glasses of whiskey for them.

They sat on couch.

Alisha drank the whiskey in a single gulp.

Peg after peg,she continued to drink.

Despite of his warnings she continued the same.

She emptied the entire whiskey bottle.

She looked towards Kabir and she was drunk.

She started behaving madly and started abusing him.

She was uncontrollably drunk.

Kabir was confused about the situation and how he can handle it?

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