At Hague with love

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Now stressing over Kritika's story.

Never it happens that India had its case into International Court.

India was always a peaceful nation.

This case qAfter the hearing at Hague at the International court of Justice.

Since MAK Associates was sued at th International Court for disobeyed the ICSI rules and they infringed the law of having 2 company secretaries.

The company was sued at ICSI but it disobeyed it too! So the company was dragged to the International level.

When the judiciary was held on behalf of India and MAK Associates.

Now the hearing had given a judgment that one of the CS had to resign,or have to be forcefully removed.

Now Kritika was tensed what if she was removed? She had to forcefully get hitched to Kabir.

Kunal agreed to leave the company.

Kritika,you've struggled your entire life to get this job,this job made you filthy rich,I have enough money.Even if I don't work,my great grand children won't die hungry.I'll leave this job for you,I won't mind doing it!

Kunal,am I the only one who had struggled with this job,firstly doing CS and LLB and now as we both have started doing CA,is it easy?Every CS professional dreams to be part of MAK Associates.MAK associates,is one of the most reputed firm in Mumbai.I won't let you go,instead i'll go Kunal,anyways I'm gonna get married,will I be able to do it?

Kritika's POV-

Kunal,even I want you to go.Because i can't leave MAK at any cost,Since I have to settle in my life I can't afford to stay unemployed for a long time.I'll have to stay strong at this period.

Kunal's POV-
I cannot afford Kritika's life to get ruined,the only way to keep her away from Kabir is to keep her employed and busy.I need to confess my love to her tonight.

Kunal gave his resignation to leave the job but he promised Kritika to stay in touch since they were too loyal to each other.

He was planning to propose Kritika to get hitched.

They were now walking on the streets after the judiciary.

Kritika got mad over his decision and they started arguing.

Now they were on the main road then.

Suddenly Kritika started walking ahead and Kunal caught her wrist pulled her close and grabbed her waist.

Kritika started feeling awkward and she said what was he doing?

Kunal placed his finger on her lip and then he got down on his knees,he slipped his hand into his coat pocket he removed a small diamond ring and slipped it into Kritika's finger.

I'm still not yet bored of your madness and surely I won't get bored till the end of my life,I want you to be my daughter's beloved mom,I want you to share a asthama pump in our old age,I want to be your stick of support till we die.Will you be my soul mate?

They were standing in the middle of the road,all the cars were honking and were standing still.

People were watching them and some people were clapping out of their excitement.

Wooh! That was a best proposal ever!

Interestingly before Kritika could respond her phone rang,it read Private Number,she picked up the call and atleast a minute after the disconnected the call and she started crying.She took a cab and left for the hotel.

Kunal kept wondering...he fell down with dismal.

Kabir,Kritika,Kunal on one hand and their family on other.

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