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Kabir now reached the office of in London Square.

He directly walked in.

Thereby the security stopped him.

Excuse me sir,now you're not the part of this institution,you may leave.he'res your resignation letter.

Richard,you'll not let me in?
Like its 5 years since I'm working here_and haven't I let you go for dates with your girlfriend? Haven't I let you leave early despite of your late night shift?


But,Richard will you?

Sir,now I can't tell you to stop tou may go in.

Thanks Richard,I'll have to meet you after I come back.

Kabir walked in,everyone saw him.

He directly entered into Allen Air's cabin and started talking shit.

Sir,haven't you realized that you just fired me out! I've worked for this company for a very long time and will I get this kind of reward for my hardwork? Do I deserve this?

Kabir,I'm not into this mess,neither do I know anything about your resignation.I'm just a employee here,whatsoever resolution is taken is taken entirely by the decision of Board of directors.

But could they?

As you know it well the decisions are taken at the headquarters in Leeds.Even I'm sorry to you that I couldn't save your job.A special committee was called for your dismissal.

But why the fuck am I removed?

Look Kabir,your mistakes were ignored for a very long time and now after the alleged accuse on you,we chose to come up a special resolution for your removal and we took 51% decision for the same.

What allegations?

Better not ask me!

But...Sir will you?

Kabir,you've skipped 2 meeting in you tour to India and before that also you had skipped 3 meetings for the trip to US now,if the technician is so irresponsible then,why the fuck do we need you?

How can you directly remove me,I'm the head technician of the IT faculty!
How will you find a new technician within a day?

We've already appointed a new chief technician for the same,you'll not have to take no worries about it!

Please sir,I request you to please retain me.

Kabir,I insist you to to leave the company,you've got no chance here.
If I tell you,there's a branch in Mumbai,India also,you may try there.
You've got a great amount of work experience here you may get job immediately over there.

Kabir walked out of the cabir in huff.

He thought that his life is now shattered!

Now what is left?

India was the only option left-

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